Entry Number Five (1/9/2011)

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Dear readers,

It's currently 3:50, so I'm not even supposed to be on the computer right now, but my dad is bringing Mark to where he's staying while attending college(he's in his fourth year, first two years were Computer Game Design and the second two were 3D Graphics). We watched the movie mum rented(I said we were gonna watch it last night after I took a shower, and we were, but mum changed her mind, so it turns out I got off the computer early for nothing) and then returned it to the co-op where she bought me the ring pop that I was eating until just a second ago!

I just finished The Naming, and it was awesome XD XD XD I HAVE to read the next book, it's called The Riddle. This book makes me feel like reading Eragon again(and I'm gonna later). 

Uh Oh... it seems my dad's back earlier than I thought he would be, but hasn't seemed to have noticed that I'm online yet, so that's good. 

The world must be ending, 'cause I actually don't have all that much to say today... so maybe I'll just copy and paste one of my notes on Facebook kkz?

Here it is(I've added some stuff in and edited parts, 'cause I originally wrote this quite a while ago):

Hiya peoplez!

This note is filled with nothing but me rambling on and on about shit you don't give a shit about, so if you're planning on reading it, brace yourself!

Pryde would be the Ideal band name if I ever joined one. It sounds kool and it has to have a "Y". Cuz "Pride" doesn't look very interesting does it?

Numbers - 

7 is my favorite number. This is cuz... well I basicly obsessed with Japan, and in japanese 7 is pronouced "sichi" or "nana". Doesn't "nana" sound so prettyfull? Another reason is that in Japan it's considered the devils number, and isn't that so kool?

Some other numbers I like are(in order from 2nd to 5th): 16- this was initially my favorite, I'm not sure exactly why, but for some reason I'm attached to this number; 4- In japanese it's pronouced "yon" or "shi", "shi" also means death; 13- this one is kinda obvious, it IS after all, THE unlucky number... here at least; and last is, of course, 666, and if I have to explain why, you're REALLY an idiot. I also like 11, 9 and 69(lolz) for... no reason rly.

Letters and words - 

You'll notice that there are some words that I use that, to normal people, make no sense. You will also notice that there are some letters that I will randomly add at the end of some words. 

First of all, the words - you are going to need to know them if you're going to read this. Here they are:

Meh - Whatever/OK

Mish - Kinda/Not bad

Prettyfull - pretty (but this word is just so much more interesting to say/write, dontcha think?)

Thingamajigy - this, at least, you should know without me telling you. (Many ways to spell this non-word, I think) 

Kikikikikikiki - like nyahahaha or mwahahahaha, AKA evil laugh.

My favorite word is one that I probably won't ever write (on this site) except right now:


It's the name of a lung disease caused by inhaling microscopic, volcanic dust... kinda morose, but it sounds kool, so whatever.

I also like the word Euphoria. I wrote a poem called Euphoria.  It might be in the collection of poems I have on here?

Now for the letters:

I always spell "cool" with a "K". Always. I like the letter "Y", but I don't usually use it unless it's in the actual word. It's the same with"Q" and "X". But "Z" is a completely different matter. I often add "Z"'s in randomly. Cuz "Z" iz kool. Zzzzzzzz(I asleep)zzzzzzz.

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