Entry Number Forty-Eight (2/21/2011)

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Dear readers,


I've got so much damn homework, but I don't feel like doing anything at all.

I gotta finish an essay for english. I only have one paragraph done.

I also gotta finish a blog for graphic arts, combined with a fucking bullshit flowchart thing.


Anyway, it's 6:42 ryt now, and I got on quite a bit earlier, but I didn't feel like typing. Since then I ate a cinnamon roll, soup, and green beans. They were all yumz.

3X  ...anyway, I'm gonna get back to reading mah manga now, ttyl



I've decided I'm not gonna do the Graphic Arts stuff. If she asks me, I'll just say mah computer wouldn't turn on.



Gettin' off for an early shower now, byebye(though I bet I'll be back on later tonight).



Just finished writing mah English essay. It's a kind of persuasive/informative essay about random people. I may put it up on Wattpad when it's done.

I listened to The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song by Emmerson & Wong Yann in Physical Geography class today. I also listened to it in last year's science class(with the same teacher). You're probably wondering what this song is and why I'm mentioning it when you guyz probably don't know it. I'm mentioning it because it is today's song. 

I was randomly trying to imagine it in screamo a couple of minutes ago. Can you imagine it? I can't.

Anyway, I'm gonna go find some manga to read now. 



I was watching ANTM and I was thinking of finishing the season(I'm on ep 10 ryt now), but I decided againts it because of the time. I'll be waking up in about 3 hours, so I need to go to bed.

Well, not really, I've went to school with no sleep AT ALL the night before, but I prefer not to, so I'm not gonna.

So nighty-night! 

Dear readers,Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora