Entry Number Eighty-Four (6/15/2011)

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Dear readers,

I did my last exam today! Which means NO MORE SCHOOL!!! FUCK YEAH!!!

It was the easiest of my 3 exams. 

I had sooooooo much fun today after my exam(After exams, we're free to do whatever we want. If we don't have a drive home, we do pretty much anything while waiting for the buses). First, I went to buy ice cream with Alexa and Robert F. I bought two medium sized scoops, one was Fudge Brownee Frozen Yogurt, the other was Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It was very good. It was the same thing that I got when I went there with my Reading Tutor class. That was after going to a "Chinese" restaurant. I say "Chinese" because you can't really call it Chinese food.

So anyway, after eating out Ice Cream today we stayed there a while to rest. On our way back, Alexa told me about this yard sale near the school. Well, I guess it was more like a... inside porch sale? Anyway, so we went there, 'cause I LOVE yard sales. Plus she said there was a bunch of random trinkets and stuff, and I LOVE that kind of thing. My room is filled with useless pretty things. 

Anyway, so I bought a bunch of stuff... I bought Alexa a matching kitteh and elephant statue-y thingies to go with mah kitteh and elephant statue-y thingies. So then we went back to school. Then Alexa, Marshall and Nathan and I went to the water park X3 Only Marshal, Alexa and I actually went in the water. Only Alexa had a change of clothing. Anyway, so after that we went to the playground for the little kids. We wanted to go on the swings, but there were always kids there, so we went everywhere else.

Then we went inside the school again, and James Bonded our way to Alexa's locker to get her stuff and her change of clothes. She changed, then we James Bonded our way back to the cafeteria. Marshall was so good at it that he was ninja James Bond. We got bored, so then we went back to the water park again. Alexa didn't go in this time. Then we went to the playground again because the kids were gone. There was a chair swing, and Marshall sat on it, and I sat on him.

Did I mention he was topless? XD 

And very comfy XD

My butt's boney, so his legs went numb X3

Anyway, when we went back inside, Robert F, Alexa, Marshal and I went in the gym, turned of the light and played tag. We got bored after like 3 minutes. We stayed in there a while though.

After that, a bunch of us went to the pool and bought candeh. We didn't actually go in the pool.

Ah just changed into mah PJs because mah clothes were still damp and ah waz uncomfortable. 

Anyway, that was my day XD

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