A Jar of Home

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Jeno and Haechan just cuddled together under the blanket for what felt like forever. But eventually Mark came back from basketball practice and saw them. Luckily he opened the door quietly enough that Jeno and Haechan did not notice him. Once he saw them cuddled together just quietly chatting, he practically fangirled before texting all their friends telling them that they needed to come to his dorm. Once everyone got there they understood why they had been summoned. Mark silently counted to three on his fingers and when he got to three the whole group slammed the door open, startling the two inside severely. Jeno flinched and on instinct cuddled closer to Haechan who immediately wrapped a protective arm around him.

"Surprise bieatches!" Chenle screamed before running up to Jeno and tackling him into a hug on the floor; prying him away from Haechan in the process. Haechan was about to go get Jeno back when he felt his own body being slammed to the carpeted floor by several people.

The dorm room carpet was now almost completely covered in boys who had now formed a cuddle pile around the couple they had just barged in on. Haechan was pinned to the ground by people laying directly on top of him to keep him from moving while Jeno was being hugged by multiple people. It was chaos which suited this group of college students quite well.

"Okay guys. You've had your fun. Now can you please get off me? We were kinda in the middle of something." Haechan said with mild annoyance.

"In the middle of what?" Jaemin wriggled his eyebrows at Haechan from his place cuddling Jeno. He purposely made a show of pulling Jeno closer against his chest, wrapping one of his hands around the back of Jeno's head. He smirked when he saw Haechan's face flush.

"Muhphin." Jeno replied. His voice came out muffled because he was up against Jaemin's chest. "Mwe were jupt talphing."

"Well that sounds boring Nojam. Let's all watch a movie instead!"

The rest of the group, aside from Jeno and Haechan, agreed to this idea. Mark went to get the movie while the rest of the group remained in the cuddle pile, unbudging. Jeno did manage to wriggle his head out of Jaemin's chest. He bent his neck backwards in a slightly unnatural manner in order to see Haechan. Haechan looked beyond irritated with their friends but Jeno just shrugged at him with an 'it is what it is' look on his face. Haechan softened and returned the look with a slight smile.

They watched the movie together. Every person in the cuddle pile was entangled even a little bit with someone else. Every time Haechan tried to slither away to get back to Jeno's side he was only dragged back down to the carpet. Haechan finally gave in and just enjoyed the movie. It was an American movie called Game Night and Haechan nearly peed his pants from laughing at some of the scenes.

Eventually the movie was over and everyone had to leave due to some obligation. This time Jeno and Haechan had some obligations as well. The whole group got up from the floor and set about cleaning their dorm a bit before they headed out one by one.

Haechan was just about to leave when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He turned around and nearly bumped noses with Jeno who was trying to get close to his ear.

"Meet me in front of the culinary classroom at 6 pm. Don't eat dinner before." He whispered quietly. Once he finished talking he walked around Haechan and calmly walked out the door as if nothing happened at all. Haechan's eyes followed him the whole way out of the room waiting for further explanation to what he meant, but that never happened. However, while Haechan was waiting for Jeno to exit, his eyes grazed over Mark. He recentered his focus from Jeno onto Mark as he watched him approach Jaemin and whisper in his ear the same way Jeno had just done to him. Once Mark finished Jaemin looked back to him and nodded.

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