In the Shallows

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Jaemin slipped his left shoe on and went to tie his laces, ignoring the hairbrush that sailed over his head. His friend's, and Yeosang's friends had agreed to all go to Haechan's first swim meet together. And Jaemin's friends are already chaotic on their own. So you can imagine the chaos of having both Yeosang and Jaemin's friends all together in one cramped college dorm.

Jeno and Yeosang, both being the quiet ones of their respective groups, were huddled in the corner, talking in hushed voices. Meanwhile Mark was rapping about how Jeffery was eating his chips with Chenle in the background making fun of him. Jaemin giggled lightly at the scene before he stood up.

"We ready to go?" He asked. Everyone all looked over to him and nodded. They all got up and walked off to the swimming area, Jeno and Yeosang holding hands as they walked.


Haechan walked towards the bleachers with slumped shoulders. Warm ups were finished, the match was going to start anytime, and Haechan was already worn out. He reached his stuff and pulled a protein bar out of his bag. Hopefully he could get some kind of energy booster before the game began.

While he was fiddling with the wrapper, Doyoung was eyeing him.

"Are you really going to eat that?" He asked.

Haechan eyed him back, slightly annoyed by his attitude. "Well I'm not gonna snort it if that's what you think."

That earned a few snickers from some other members of the team. Doyoung turned red in the face which gave Haechan a satisfied feeling.

People started flooding into the building and sitting at the bleachers. Haechan looked up and saw his friends. He waved. He saw Jeno with them and waved at him too. Jeno blushed and looked away from him, hiding behind Yeosang. Haechan brushed it off. Jeno was shy, it was just gonna take him a bit to warm up to him.

A whistle sounding from behind Haechan signaled that the players needed to line up. The games were beginning. Haechan was one of the first racers so he went to line up with the other racers at the side of the pool.

He leaned forward above the water.

The whistle blew behind him and he gracefully dived into the water, followed by his teammates.

"Congrats Haechan!"

Mark slapped Haechan's back as the boy chucked and shifted his feet. His first game of the season, and his team won by a landslide. The group of boys all decided they would go out to Wendy's to celebrate.

While the group continued to praise Haechan, Jeno felt a hand on his shoulder gently turning him around. He wasn't all that alarmed at first, you run into people all the time in college.

When Jeno had his back completely turned to the group he got a good look at who wanted his attention. It was one of the swimmers from the opposing team. Some of his friends were standing close by. Jeno remembered this guy. He was a talented swimmer, and he was even the reason their school almost lost.

"Hi." The boy said. Jeno leaned forward to get a whiff of his scent, Alpha, of course.

"Hello." Jeno replied.

"I noticed you cheering in the bleachers during the game." The Alpha said. "You always seemed to be cheering when I was swimming."

That was partially true. Jeno only had the courage to cheer when Haechan was swimming. It just so happens that this boy was always in the water around the same time he was.

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