Chapter 2 - Insanity Burgers and Stella

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Hey guys and gals,

Another update! YAY! :D


I get home after shopping for about an hour, I still haven't got used to the shops around here. Anyway, that gives me about two hours till the boys come. Hmm... what shall I make them?

Oh, I know! These boys have a thing for my insanity burgers. They try to get my secret recipe out of me but they know it's pointless. It's basically just adding mustard and tabasco sauce to the mixture, so they're quite spicy but the boys love them. Even Tony and Greg are always coming round to eat them. Actually I think Greg sent me a text earlier. I pull out my phone and see I have three texts. One from Greg, one from Hannah and one from Chaz.

Greg: "Hey Ellie, glad you can come to hangout Sat, cya then."

Me: "Hey Greg, yeah I'm glad too, really need some fun after boring week, cya Sat."

Hannah: "Left for the night, probs sleeping over T's tonight. Love ya, cya tomorrow morn ;) xx"

Me: "Aw! Have a good night hun, cya in morn. Love ya xx"

Chaz: "Hey, bitch! Is it ok if me and J come earlier tonight? We're bored!xx"

Me: "Hey Peaches," Yes, I call him Peaches... Don't ask how he got that nickname, "yeah you can come early, cooking IB's tonight. Why you bored?xx"

Chaz: "IB's?! AHHH! Love you, bitch! We're missing our fav girl that's why!xx"

Me: "Aww love you too but if you keep calling me bitch, Binx is gonna get your share! ;D xx" Binx is my cat, she's a chocolate-black long-haired and always tries to eat Chaz's food when he's at ours.

Chaz: "Nooooo, I'm sorry gorgeous, just please don't give that flea bag my food!xx"

Me: "You won't get any calling her that either!xx"

Chaz: "Ok, ok! She's the prettiest feline I've ever seen, apart from when you dressed as cat-woman one Halloween, just please don't give her my food... :( xx"

Me: "Hahaha yeah ok I won't just get your ass over here then!xx"

I put my phone down and make a start on my burgers and homemade chips. It doesn't take long till they're done and me, Chaz and Joe are sitting in front of the TV watching The Big Bang Theory with Binx sitting between me and Joe to try and stop her from eating Chaz's food. It's never Joe's just Chaz's, I blame him for giving her chicken off of his plate one night so now she thinks she can get food off of him.

"Oh God, Ellie! You need to tell us how to makes these burgers!" That was Joe, I don't get on with him as much as I do Chaz but he's still a good guy and is really fun when we're all together.

"I've told you both that it's called a secret recipe for a reason! Now! Chaz it's your turn to wash up!"

Chaz starts pouting and whining like a little puppy.

"Fine I'll wash, you dry and Joe you put away, yeah?"

"Yay thanks Eebe!" Chaz kisses my cheek and skips to the kitchen. Yeah I know I said he doesn't act that gay but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have his moments. Like now... Joe and me are just laughing at him. I think he may be tipsy since he had two cans of Stella and Chaz can't really handle beer very well. Eebe is also his nickname for me and it only normally comes out when he's tipsy or drunk, so another indicator of him being tipsy.

A New York LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora