Chapter 1 - Drunk Hyena Laughter

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Hey guys and gals,

This is my first story on Wattpad, but hope you enjoy it ;)


'He walked down the dark road to get to the alley where he promised to meet her. She was a beauty and she knew it. With her dark raven hair flowing down her back flowing in the rainy breeze-'

"Hey Ellie, do you want to come to the club this weekend?"

I looked up and saw Brooklyn my best friend since I moved to New York and also one of my rest bites from this tedious work atmosphere.

"Hey Brook, I'm not sure. I'll have to rain check because I don't know whether I've got to work this weekend. Sorry."

"Aww and I was looking forward to getting drunk with my party girl!" She pouts, which I must admit makes her look adorable. "Right then, I better get back to work before I get accused for slacking off!"

"You're always slacking off!" I shouted to her as she walked away, to which I just get a loud laugh from her.

When I took this job I was twenty-one. I had just moved from the UK to New York after saving since I was eighteen. You see, It was always my dream to move to New York and work in one of those high rise offices. I did get my dream. I work as a secretary to Nathan Westwood, the CEO of Westwood and Group Incorporated, but the journey to my dream wasn't full of roses and rainbows. No, all I felt was pain.

My name is Ellie-May Black. I am twenty-five years old and haven't had a boyfriend in four years. I'm also trying to write my first novel, which I must admit is not going as planned. I keep writing at work and I then get distracted. Yeah, not my most brilliant idea but I need to keep my mind occupied when the work load is slow. It's either that or hanging around in the staff lounge. My boss doesn't mind as long as it doesn't interfere with my work, which is one good thing about the oh-so-charming-but-a-complete-asswat Nathan Westw-

"Ellie can you please check when I have that meeting with the board and get file H0495 copied and ready for me? I'll need about eight copies."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear!

"Yes Mr. Westwood. Is that all?" Aw I'm so proud of my professional suck-up tone...

"Yes thanks, can you bring it in in about twenty minutes?"

"Yes sir." I called out as he walked through his office door that is parallel to mine.

Urgh. Ok sometimes I regret taking this job. I mean I do love it and all but it can be mundane sometimes.

I find the files, copy them and then check his schedule for this afternoon.

"Sir?" I knock on his door and wait for the buzz which means I can go in.


When I go in Nathan is sitting on his office chair with the phone between his shoulder and ear and shifting through paperwork spread across his desk. He looks up and holds up his finger signalling that I need to wait. Well no shit Sherlock! And yes, as you can guess I don't like my boss. He's not a bad boss but he's not a good guy. He sleeps around with any hot, straight woman that has ever graced God's beautiful Earth and he always leaves me to tidy up his one-night stands. Thankfully he's never put the moves on me, even if he did it wouldn't make any difference since I would HR his ass before you could say Casanova! Wait can you even report the CEO to HR? I hate men like tha-

"So what time am I meeting the board this afternoon?" Damn this man and his constant interruptions to my internal disputes!

"You're meeting them in the South Room at 2 pm and I got your files copied here."

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