Chapter 6 - The Brother Theory

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Hey everyone!

CHapter 6 of A New York Love! YAY!

Here it is, enjoy:


I took Nathan’s advice and rested the whole weekend, not that I was going to do anything else anyway. I even passed up on going to the hangout on Saturday when Chaz invited me. Greg offered to stay with me but I eventually convinced him I was fine and just wanted a night on my own and made him go to the club in my place.

I’m really excited this morning, my brother and sister-in-law and the kids were flying into JFK today and I had to pick them up. That reminds me I need to ask Tony if I can borrow his pick-up truck as my little Betsy won’t fit everyone in. And yes I did name my car.

“Han, where’s Tony?” I ask Hannah as she walks into the living room.

“He’s in the shower still I think? Tone!” She shouts in the direction of our bathroom.

“Yeah?! What is it?!” Came the muffled reply.

“You still in the shower?!”

Tony walks out of the bathroom, thankfully wearing his jeans and a t-shirt. I mean, it’s not like he’s not got a good body but he’s my roommates boyfriend so checking him out is a big no-no. “Just got out, babe. What is it?”

Han just shrugs and points at me. “Can I borrow you pick-up please?”

“Sure. It’s a good job I’ve got today off else you’ll be walking back from the airport.”

“Thanks Tony! You are a life saver!” I jump up from the couch and gave him a quick one armed hug.

“Which airport are they landing in?” Han asks as she walks up to Tony, wrapping her arms around his waist.


“Ouch! I bet you’re glad I had the day off now else you would be walking for ages! It’s the other side of the city!”

“They couldn’t get a flight to LGA for this week, the only flight available was the 1st of December but they can’t come that week because there’s something going on at Danny’s school which he’s got to be there for apparently.”

“Ohhh, I can’t wait to see them. What time is their flight getting in?”

“About one o’clock. John said he’d call as soon as they get in the airport.”

-----Monday Afternoon-----

 I pull up at the airport at…1:23 by the clock in the pick-up. John rang me once they landed, which was actually a couple of minutes early. When I got to the terminal they were supposed to be in I looked around trying to find them when I heard a high-pitched voice behind me.


“Oof!” I got tackled to the ground by two bodies on top of me. “Ok guys, get off me now else you won’t have one of your aunts much longer!” Suddenly the weight crushing me disappeared. “Geeze! What have your mom and dad been feeding you?!”

I got up and saw my brother, John, my sister-in-law, Natalie and my mom walking towards me. “Mom?! Why-wha-what are you doing here?!”

“Well I thought I’d come surprise my baby girl so here I am!”

“Mom…I’m not a baby anymore, I’m twenty-five for goodness sake!” I whine. She’s always embarrassing me.

She comes over and hugs me tightly and when she pulls back says, “It doesn’t matter how old you are, you’re still going to be my baby.”

A New York LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora