Chapter 5 - That Almost Kiss

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Hey everyone,

Sorry it's been soo long since my last update but I've been at college and had thing after thing to do. First I had to do a whole art project in like a week, then I had two drama essays to hand in so I've literally been drowning in work. Plus I'm reapplying for next year so I had to chase teachers for grades. I'm hoping to write more frequently but not sure whether I'll be able to because I need to revise for my science exams. I am writing another book aswell but I'm not going to publish it just yet but keep you eyes peeled for it.


I cannot believe I cried in front my boss! I’m so embarrassed.

He rang Greg for me but he seemed reluctant to do it. What shocked me, though, was that after he got off the phone he came over and hugged me! If I wasn’t balling my eyes out maybe I would have laughed at him and asked if he was still sick from Monday.


He sat on the couch in the staff lounge and pulled me into a hug. At first I stiffened but once he started stroking my back up and down, I relaxed and continued sobbing onto his shirt.

“Ellie?” I looked up from his chest. “You don’t have to come in tomorrow, I’ll be fine on my own.”

“But…wha-what if you need files copied or someone rings?” I sniff.

Nathan chuckles, which I can feel because I’m so close to his chest. “I think I’ll be ok for one day on my own. You obviously need some rest. I doubt you’ll need to come in next week either.”

“Ok, thank you sir.”

“Would it make you feel better if you call me Nate?”

I chuckle this time despite the tears running down my cheeks. “No, sir but thank you for making me laugh, if only just a little bit.”

“No problem but can I ask why you’re crying?” Should I tell him or not? Only Greg knows but it would do me good to tell more people and get off my chest, right? “You can trust me with anything, Ellie. I wouldn’t tell a soul. You do trust me, right?” I nod. Furiously wiping my eyes of tears until I feel his hand on my cheek. I looked up at him into his eyes and he is looking at me and he leans his head towards me. Ok now I’m freaking out inside! Is he really going to do what I think he’s going to do? While I’m having another of my internal ramblings, Nathan’s face is still inching closer to mine and it’s only when his lips are centimetres away from do I realise this but my stupid body still reacts. There are butterflies in my stomach and eyes close automatically. Seconds before our lips meet the door opens making both me and Nathan jump apart just in time for Greg to walk in and come rushing over to me and crush me into a hug. Over Greg’s shoulder I see Nathan look at me then look away, what is going on with him today and why did he almost kiss me?!

“Ellie, I’m so sorry. I’ll take you home.” Greg pulls back form the hug. “Are you going to be ok?”

“Y-” I clear my throat because it still feels like I’m going to break down in tears again. “Yeah, I think so.”

“John will be over next week so he can get you through it.”

“Yeah I know.”

“Come on, let’s get you home. Thanks Mr. Westwood for calling.” Greg nods towards Nathan, who I had forgot was still in the room.

“Sure. No problem Greg. I’ll check up on you tomorrow Ellie, yeah?”

“Ok. Thanks Mr. Westwood.”

“See you, Ellie.”



Yep Nathan Westwood almost kissed me! All of my thoughts are swirling around all at once making me have a headache on top of cramps. Yes today of all days Mother Nature has decided to pay me a visit so when I woke up this morning I was cursing her every name I could think of. Why, oh why did I have to be born a girl!

“Hey Ellie?” Hannah is standing by my bedroom door, while I’m lying on my bed in the foetal position. I open my eyes to look at her. “Er…your boss is here. Do you want me to tell him to go away or what?” What? Why is Nathan here? I look at my bedside table where my alarm clock is and see its 1pm. Why is here on his lunch break?

“No, I’ll just get dressed. Can you tell him I’ll be out in a sec?”

“Yeah sure, Hun.” She walks out and shuts my door so I can get dressed.

I throw on some trackies and a vest top and put my hair in a high pony before walking into the lounge where Nathan is sitting on the couch in his suit. Looking towards the kitchen area I see Hannah by the kettle obviously making a drink and turning towards the living room.

“Ellie, do you want a cup of tea?”

“Yeah please.”

“Milk no sugar, yeah?”

“Yeah thanks Han.”

I hear chuckles behind me and turn around to see Nathan looking at me with amusement.

“Proper British brew?” He asked trying to put on a British accent but really failing miserably.

“You do realise that doesn’t sound remotely British and yes I always have tea in the morning.”

“I know, I can’t do British accents. And sorry. Are you feeling ok today?” I haven’t told Han or any of the others why I was really upset yesterday but Han just suspects that it’s because of women problems.

“Er…yeah I guess, better than yesterday at least.” Han brings the drinks in from the kitchen but doesn’t stay around to listen to a conversation. Instead she goes back to her room and I hear the soft click of her door being shut behind her.

“That’s good. Do you…er,” He coughs, nervously? “Do you maybe want to talk about it, maybe talk about it to me?” Wow, he actually wants to talk about sensitive stuff with a woman? What is going on with him? But do I really want to tell him something like this? Something I haven’t even told most of my closest friends? No. Well, not right now at least. I would probably break down in tears again.

“Sorry Mr. Westwood, I don’t think-”

“Call me Nate and its ok, Ellie. I understand.” Huh? “Was it something to do with going back to England?”

“Sort of, yeah.”

“Oh right. Well I better head back to the office. Can you thank your room mate for the drink for me?” He stands up and I take the mug from his hands.

“Yeah sure, I’ll see you next week.”

“Ellie, I’ve told you that you don’t have to come in next week if you don’t want to.”

“I know but I probably-”

“Will anyway.”

“Yeah.” I look down at my hands that is still clasping onto both mugs.

“Alright, well I’ll see you next week then. Just get some rest over the weekend.”

“I’m planning to.” I see him out to the door and watch as he climbs down the stairs of the apartment complex.


Sorry this chapter is so short and it's kind of a filler really. I've got a serious case of writer's block.

Photo of Greg to the side!

It's Shia LaBeouf.

Hope to update soon!

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