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Tuesday, June 23rd


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"Aaahhh! Please!" I heard Katara yell as I made it outside of the building I was in. I grabbed the pasty railing, before running down the steps.

"Stop! What are you doing!" I shouted taking in whats going on. It looked like there was a fight going on. The earth base against... against Aang? I turned my feet at the end on the steps and started hauling towards the fighting ground a few feet away.

When I got closer it looked like Katara was only a head left into the ground. I screamed with fear shaking me as I pumped my legs to go faster. I didn't know what I could do, I'm not an earth bender. I watched as Aang dropped to the ground at Fong's feet, clutching his hand as he started to plead.

He was hysterical, tears flowing down his eyes, "You don't need to do this!" I ran past them, and drove for Katara. Maybe if I blasted a hole into the ground with my fire? No, that could hurt her.

From behind me now, Fong spoke, "Apparently I do." I looked back with fear in my eyes as I put my hands next to Katara's face, I grabbed her hand, pulling on it. I was ready to risk it and just blast her out of here. I had years of training, I could do it.

"Kaida!" Katara screamed as Fong clenches his fist and Katara disappears totally into the ground. Aang dives for her, just barely missing her other hand. I gasped in horror as her hand was ripped out of mine. I looked back at Aang who's eyes started to glow in the blue hue that I saw at the Water Tribe a week ago.

Fong lifts his fist into the air in victory, "It worked. It worked!" I looked at the hole where Katara had just disappeared, my hair whipped around me as Aang air bending whirled around me. I knew that he was dangerous but I was in shock as I glared at Katara's grave. My family, she was my sister. I stood and whirled on Fong.

A strong blast of wind hits Fong, and he shields himself with his arms. I looked back to Aang, who is standing in front of him, wind billowing around him. I lit my hands on fire and looked back at Fong, who smiles, but the grin quickly fades as he becomes terrified. Aang launches a karate chop-like attack at him.Which causes Fong to go flying backward. He lands at the base of the tower.

Aang was swirling in his vortex of dust with General Fong in the foreground. Fong cups his hands and shouts at Aang. "Avatar Aang, can you hear me?! Your friend is safe!" He raises his arms and Katara emerges from the ground, gasping. "It was just a trick to trigger the Avatar state, AND IT WORKED!" I looked back at Katara with shock in my eyes. I knelt to the ground and helped her up.

Aang whirls around, his face angry. The vortex suddenly collapses and Aang slams into the ground, a cloud of dust shooting forward. Fong is sent flying. I whirled fire around me as the earth came up from the ground. Protecting Katara and myself from the earth. Large chunks of earth rise from the ground, sending Earth Kingdom soldiers into the air. The wave of destruction crashes into the buildings around the base, cracking them apart. His body suddenly glows blue, a surprised expression on his face.

"Katara!" I gathered her up into my arms and helped her rise. "Oh my god, Katara!" I hugged her to me, "I thought you died Katara!" I felt her wrap her arms around me.

"I'm okay." She said weakly. "Where's Aang?"

I looked up to see Aang coming down from her air vortex, "I'm sorry, Katara," he looked over to me, "Kaida," He looked between the both of us. "I hope you never have to see me like that again."

"Aang." I smiled softly, "there is nothing to be sorry about." I let go of Katara and hugged him to my chest. This poor kid, he just can't catch a break.

Fong, who walks forward, spreading his arms, "Hah! Are you joking? That was almost perfect! We just have to find a way to control you when you're like that." I turned, letting go of Aang to glare. I opened my mouth to speak but Aang cut me off.

"You're out of your mind." He glared with me, Katara was now at our side, she rested a hand on Aang's shoulder as we gave him a hard look.

General Fong was ignoring us, "I guess we'll figure that out on the way to the Fire Nation." He continued on.

Sokka rides up behind him on the birdlike creature, holding his boomerang, and hits Fong on the top of his head, knocking him out cold, "Anybody got a problem with that?" The soldiers that I didn't even know were around us shook their heads in unison.

Sokka dismounts from the creature. The soldiers approach us and bow. The creature runs off in the background. "Do you still want an escort to Omashu?"

"I think we're all set," Katara said Aang drew out his Air Bison whistle calling for Appa. I watched Momo fly around and land on Aang's shoulder. I looked out into the distance and saw the bison coming for us. I just thought of the dragon I sent Zuko. It should be getting to wherever he was by sundown. Sokka ran up to me, placing a hand on my arm.

"I hate to admit it," he rolled his eyes, but there was a smile on his face, "glowing it up wasn't the best idea." I laughed.

"You think?" Appa landed behind us and we all crawled up onto him. "Trust the girls next time." I yawned and stole Sokka's blanket before laying on my back.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to do that next time," Aang said with a defeated look as he observed the wreckage around him.

"Don't feel bad, I hate this place." I shrugged rolling over, "I think you gave it deserving upgrades." I looked at all the new cracks in the walls left by Aang.

Katara laughed and sat down next to me, "I'll say."

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