Chapter- Twenty eight

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                                                                      *Iris's P.O.V.*

I huffed out a heavy sigh as we trudged through their backyard towards our boundary line.

Ben was tugging onto my hand and whimpering like a little pup as the others trailed somewhat far behind.

I giggled at him and swatted his hand away as it crept further up the bottom of my shorts. "Staph it you horn dog.

Were on other packs territory and it would be disrespectful.", I hissed through clenched teeth. He smirked and took that as an opportunity to grab my bum and squeeze.

I let out a loud gasp and shoved him back as he giggled like a little school girl. After a good five minutes walk of pinching and shoving, we made it back to the territory line.

I trudged through towards the little stream that separated our scent trails and stepped in, removing my scent from Alpha Christopher's territory.

I quickly scrubbed my feet and stepped out towards the other said of our line. Ben soon followed in suit along with the other four pack members.

He smiled again and snaked his arm around my waist as I sat down, my back hunched over.

Ben looked right up at the other four wolves and with one signal of his hand, they were already running back towards the pack house.

He let out another long puff of air and tugged at my shorts.

I smacked his hand away and sat up straighter. He grabbed my hand and left little cliche kisses all over my hand.

I stifled another giggle and watched him with intense curiosity at his random behaviour. He chuckled, causing my arm to vibrate when I started to squirm around from anticipation.

He scooted closer to me and hugged my waist into his said. I felt his hot breath fanning over my neck as my neck hairs rose in delight.

I shivered in delight and leaned over, giving him a large kiss on his for head sloppily. He cringed and wiped it off, rubbing it all over my arm.

I laughed and did it again.

He was about to wipe it on my arm when he stiffened and got up over me in a protective stance.

A low growl made its way into his throat as he scanned the line out across our territory and out across Alpha Christopher's territory.

I felt the air behind us become suddenly colder as someone breathed on my neck.

I screamed and scooted forward as the cold air around us disappeared and suddenly calmed again. Ben gripped onto my arm with great strength and sniffed the air for signs of another presence.

A swoosh of cold air traveled through back to Alpha Christopher's territory and a black blur of motion tore over a tree in the other side of his territory.

I scooted back as two more black blurs circled around his territory before disappearing again and not coming back after three minutes.

I heard Ben growl lowly before standing up and pulling me up with him. His eyes glassed over, which meant he was contacting our pack.

I stood patiently, waiting for him to follow me back home. After what seemed like minutes, his eyes became back to normal and he smiled over at me.

He grabbed my hand and knitted our fingers together into a tangle of fingers. We started to make our way back to our territory, me humming quietly as Ben's grip loosened.

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