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                                                                                *Alex's P.O.V.*

I walk back into the living room after Christopher's and I's little make out session in the bathroom. Very romantic, right? I walked over to the fridge and pull open the door. The guys packed the fridge up to the top with all sorts of foods and meals. I look closely for anything that sounds like a decent lunch. After searching through for food, I come across a blue bag tied up. I cock my head and reach out to grab it. A hand grips my waist gently, and sparks fly through my body. I automatically know it Christopher and relax under his touch.

I smile and turn around to scold him for startling me, when I'm greeted with a kiss to my forehead. "Hello baby. You cant screw around with whats in the bag, okay?", he asks me while bringing my fingers up to his mouth to kiss and nibble on affectionately. "And why is that?", I ask with a curious giggle. He shakes his head and puts his pointer finger over his shut lips, signaling that he wont or cant tell.

I grunt in reply and continue my rant over the contents in the fridge. After finding what I want, I pull it out. I set out a whole stack of cheese, and two cans of chilled tomato soup. I lean across the counter to open a cupboard to get out the bread. After grabbing that, I set everything in its place and pull out the sandwich maker from a shelf below the bread.

I put two slices of cheese on two sandwiches and place the bread over. After making sure I had everything set in place correctly, I close the lid to the sandwich maker and sit at the kitchen island. I prepare seven plates for everybody to eat when they get back from a run to poke at the territory. After fifteen minutes, I had fourteen sandwiches, two on each plate. I pour the two cans of tomato soup in a pot and put it on low. I let it simmer in the pot while I got out a pitcher of Iced Tea. Yes, wolves do drink Iced Tea. When the soup started to bubble up over the rim, I took it off.

I put a cup full in seven bowls and dumped the rest in Christopher's and Darius's bowls. When I cleaned up everything, I mind linked the pack that lunch was ready. I got all replies saying great and thanks. When I sat down to eat, everybody came trampling in the kitchen and piling over into the island stools. We had ten stools in all, so two were left over for any guests if we had any.

As soon as everyone took their first bite, moaning filled the kitchen. I stifled a giggle when Christopher shoved a whole sandwich in his mouth. He look over at me and smiled while his mouth was still full of food. I shot him a mean glare and he quickly shut his mouth and turned his head to finish eating.

We all ate in a comfortable silence besides the constant moaning and chomping of everyone. 

                                                                    *Christopher's P.O.V.*

After lunch, everyone scattered about to do other things then watch Alex and I eat each others faces off. We were sitting in the living room watching "Twilight", and laughing at the sparkling vampire. Everyone knows vampires aren't real. I was watching Alex intently as she stared at the T.V. and laughed every time the vampire did something magical. Her smile was so gorgeous, and she was so beautiful just being here with me. I love this girl so much.

I bent down some and gave her light, feathery kisses on her face and pampered her stomach with tickles. She screamed and giggled and laughed until she squealed out of breath. I layed down on the couch beside her panting. She turned her head and stared into my amber orbs. I stared back into her baby blues and just smiled to myself at her cuteness. I wrapped my arms around her waist securely and leaned in for a quick kiss. She gripped onto the back of my neck and pulled me into her quickly.

Our lips molded together and moved in sync passionately as our hunger grew. Her kisses grew more desperate as she clung to every ounce of my body she could grasp in her tiny hands. She rolled over so she was laying over me and straddled my waist. I threw my head back in laughter as she tickled my chest and pampered me with kisses all over my face. My hunger grew as she stopped and just stared into my eyes. Her eyes were black and all I saw was lust and hunger. The waves of lust radiated off her body, giving the air a more tense feeling.

I grasped her tiny, petite waist in my large hand and brought my hand up to her hair. I twirled a lock of her delicate brown hair around my finger as we stared into each others eyes. "I love you.", she said. "I love you too baby.", I stated back as butterflies erupted from my stomach. I shut my eyes as hers slowly fluttered close. 

                                                                ~AUTHOR'S NOTE BRAHH~

 HEY GUYS. Like the chapters so far? BTW, in the next few chapters or so, their WILL be a smut scene. Don't hate me please, but I'm going to have my friend write it for me, okay? Okay, whelp...hope you liked this chapter. If you have any questions on anything, comment below and message me? Otayyy...BYE(:

                                        P.S.- Sorry its so short..I have stuff to do today guys. SOWWY...

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