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                                                                 *3rd Person View*

Christopher mourned over the death of his mate for over a year. Since he united his pack with Ben's, everyone moved into the main pack house to be in contact with everyone else. Christopher stayed in the original pack house alone, sleeping on Alex's side of the bed every night. He sometimes assumed he was hallucinating because he would see Alex walk past him or hear her voice whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Not one day passed where Christopher doubted that Alex was dead. Most of the new pack members, such as Annabelle from Ben's pack, kept an eye on him during pack meetings.

Certain people watched him to make sure he didn't harm himself or others. Christopher kept to himself most of the time, spending his days in his and Alex's room. He tended to pull out Alex's favorite clothing items and keep her scent close to him. Once in a blue moon, Christopher would stand in the clearing, near the pond where Alex was found and howled. He howled out his misery and sorrow through his melodic vocals.

The area where Alex died, a single red Telopea flower stayed grounded since the day of her death. Christopher would water the flower everyday and talk about her, close to where her headstone sat.

Iris and Ben finally got married after the sorrowful year of mourning for everyone. The wedding consisted of blue everything, and it was held in the backyard where Iris sat on the fence the day she found Ben. The married couple had two twins three years later. 

Sam and Jade moved in together, two years after Alex's death. Their neighbor and his roommate were soon found to be mates with both girls. Three years later, they both live across the hall from each other, Sam and her mate, Tyler, already engaged.

Xavier ended up mating with his now girlfriend, Maria. The couple are living in a log cabin a few acres from the house in the middle of their property. Maria is pregnant with their child, Sophia, and already seven months in. Xavier planned to propose to Maria after dinner on their two year anniversary. 

Darius is still searching for his mate, waiting for the day he meets her. He lives in the pack house with Ben's other pack members. Him and a pack member, Hailey, are close. He plans to ask her on a date in a week from now.

The packs all have dinner on April 3, every year to celebrate the marking of the day Alex passed on. Christopher spend his night for the past two years since he finally excepted her death, with Anabelle. They share a complicated relationship, even though Anabelle had lost her mate during an attack years ago. They seem to be happy, and that's what Christopher sees in his newly formed life.

It is now present time, April 3, 2015. It marks the fourth year that Alex has been gone but definitely not forgotten. That night, the pack all enjoyed a meal of ribs, corn, mashed potatoes, rolls and green beans. In honor of Alex, everyone bought a silver ribbon and placed it over her grave marking. Christopher remained calm with Anabelle by his side. 

Everyone pushes one another to get back into the house, Christopher staying behind. Anabelle stays with the crowd to give him time to himself. Christopher sits himself in front of her tombstone. "Today is the fourth year you've been gone from us. I miss you, but I know you are somewhere, watching over us. I remember what you told me a long time ago. I'm already happy, so is Anabelle. Thank you for giving me the life I had with you. Forever and infinity in my heart. I am you'r and you are mine. I love you Alex Hayes."

                                                        Flashback in Christopher's P.O.V.

Alex inhaled deeply, her eyes brightening. She turned towards me, tugging the blanket some with her. I turned on my side to face her so I could see her face. The light from the moon shone on her face, making her facial features lighten to perfection."Christopher?", she asked me timidly. I hum in question, watching her lip almost tremble. I hold her hand to calm her nerves some. "Christopher, if I die before you, promise me you will live a happy and care-free life. Promise me you will not wait for me, and you will be happy. Promise...promise me you will find someone as wonderful as yourself and love her with as much as you could muster. Promise me.", she whispered the last part hoarsely. My eyes watered a bit as she held my hand tighter. My heart felt as if someone sat on it. "Um..- Alx- Alex. I could never love someone else besides you. You're my heart, my other half. Why are you asking me this?", I whispered. A stray tear left her eyes, her lip tucked in-between her teeth. "I-I wanted to make sure you are happy if that happens. Please Christopher, just promise me so I can sleep well tonight." My face felt wet, and a few tears fell. "I-I pro-omise Alex Hayes. I will a-always l-love you no-o matter what, but I will promise to be happy a-after you leave me." She nodded and sighed. "I love you Christopher Black. With all my heart."  I gave her a weak smile. "I love you Alex Hayes. With all my heart." She smiled back and nuzzled closer into my chest. Her breath slowed down, before light puffs of air came from her delicate lips. "You're my everything Alex Hayes. I promise to forever love you. Forever and infinity in my heart. I am your's and you are mine."

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