Chapter-Twenty four

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                                                                        *Christopher's P.O.V.*

I was in HER and my room. I was so flustered and heart broken. I heard of those myths where when your mate dies, everything stops.

Your heart breaks and you lose the other part of your soul. I was currently in a ruined room. I destroyed my stuff and left all of Alex's stuff where it was.

I tore the sheets off the bed, everything except her side. I stuffed her pillow in a plastic bag and tied it good, so her scent still lingered on it. I was sitting on her side of the bed, breathing heavily.

I was worn out from ruining the whole room. I had salty tears pouring out from my eyes, but each one was a horrible reminder of my once beautiful mate, which was now dead with Axel. I felt completely depressed. Something wasn't right though.

I felt like a piece of Alex was still there, and she was alive somewhere. I shook those thoughts out of my head. Alex was dead. Her eyes, h-her eyes were clouded. They had nothing left in them. I remember a white little gleam was still left in them when she layed there, dead on the ground outside.

I had Darius carry her body back inside, and I had the best pack doctor from the 'Blue Moon' pack. He cleaned her up and straightened her back for her funeral. I had her washed up and he healed her wounds, inside and out.

I had a little hope that she would wake up while he was healing her, and she opened her eyes and smiled. I knew that wouldn't happen though, Axel took her from me.

Shes gone, and I'm now mate-less. I let a sob escape my mouth and I punched the headboard three times, breaking it. I screamed out and rubbed my eyes furiously before getting up and bounding down the stairs, stomping down the whole way.

I heard everyone talking hushed, and when I walked by them, I heard the name Alex. Xavier said her name and I broke down even worse.

I hid my face from view and stomped over to the door. I ripped open the door and marched outside, and I got down on my knees and just cried.

I cried for Alex, myself, my pack, and my future. I cried on the ground, letting three days worth of tears to sprawl out freely. I ran over to where we first found Alex, and sat there.

The spot where her blood was, Sam and Jade washed over with a bucket of water to wash it away.

There was still some dried up on a blade of grass, and I plucked it out of the ground below. I brought it up to my face and just inspected it.

I dropped it and crawled over to where she was killed exactly. I sat there, my knees to my chest and cried. I missed her laugh, smile, her eyes, and the love and true happiness that shined back through her baby blues.

I threw my head back and let my body land backwards with a loud 'THUD.' I layed there with my eyes closed, and inhaled sharply. I felt some what if she was here. I felt something cold but gentle touch my face. I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was a white figure of Alex, on her knees and she was knelled over me, caressing my face with a look of sympathy. I hurried and reached out to touch her, but she disappeared from view.

I felt cold and lonely again. I sighed and sat up. I looked down at where the white figure was and gasped.The necklace she was staring at out of the corner of her eye was layed out there.

I touched it and it felt warm. Like she wore it just now. I picked it up and held it between my fingers. It was beautiful. I held it up and something gleamed off it. It was the same gleam I saw in her eyes when she died.

I carefully unclasped the claps and wrapped it around my neck. I had it around my neck and locked the clasp. It felt almost normal to have it on, like I've worn it before. I felt a warm tingle pass through my body, like how it would feel when I touched Alex.

I felt almost at peace. I closed my eyes and layed back down, holding the charm of the wolf in between my fingers.

I sighed and thought of her.

                                                                           *Alex's P.O.V.*

The first thing I did was scream terribly. I was in a black room, and it was completely blacked out. There was a sinlge light in the room, but it was red.

It look almost like a crack between the floor and something. I was strapped to something cold, and I couldn't move my neck.

The thing I was strapped onto was sitting upright, so I was like hanging upright by some straps. I inhaled and tried to use my wolf senses to find the scent of where I was at, but I was surprised to find that I could smell anything.

I tried to grow out my claws to cut myself loose, but they wouldn't grow out. I concentrated hard on growing them, but nothing. I tried to contact my wolf, but I didn't feel the presence of her there.

I called out to her. Nothing answered back. I was all alone. I did the only thing possible, so I screamed out.

I never screamed so loud in my life, and I screamed for a long time before I felt light headed. I clamped my mouth shut and layed my head back against the thing.

I was about to scream again, when something moved around. I got scared, and tried to look out to see what it was, but I saw nothing. I called out, "Hello?" No reply. I all of a sudden heard heavy breathing outside the room.

Something was running it sounded like. I started to scream out help, when the red light grew brighter. I realized it was like a door opening.

I started to move around frantically, trying to get there attention.Something crawled into the room, crawling right over to me. Enough light shined through the room so I could see, and I cried out.

A man was missing his legs, and only had bloody stumps that were once legs. He was using his arms to drag himself towards me. I tried to lift my feet, but instead they wouldn't move.

I looked down to see all my limbs were strapped down with a red cord. I screamed when I realized they wernt cords, but instead were fingers. Bloody hand were holding me down.

I yelled out for help as the hands clawed into my flesh, and the man was now in front of me. He was running his hands up and down my legs, almost reaching my thighs.

He was feeling me up, and I started to cry. I cried because he was violating me, and I couldn't see Christopher.

I screamed out his name while tears ran down my cheeks. I sobbed and cried while the hand's grip grew tighter and the man was now licking my leg.

I was trying to kick him when someone shouted out in a deep, booming voice, "BACK AWAY FROM HER!"

I let another tear drop and the man slowly backed off. He turned around and crawled back away. I shuddered at the wetness on my leg.

The hand's grip tightened to where I started to feel numb. I laid my head back only for it to get pushed forward by someones hand.

I felt my insides stir and an uneasy feeling stirred inside me. I tried to wiggle out of its grip when it turned around to face me. I screamed louder then I did when the man touched me.

Axel was standing there, looking over my body. He licked his lips and walked over to me. He brought his lips up to my ear and said three words that made me shudder.

"Welcome to hell!"

                                                                       *Author's Note*

Yo'..So this is about Alex and Christopher's points at the time of her death.

I think this all made sense when mushed together..

Even though Alex is now in hell with Axel, she is still alive. Its her spirit that's there.


Bye guys, love ya'!!(:

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