chapter 46

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Darlington was walking through the crowd to find Josephine when he bumped into someone. She had brown eyes and a perfectly tonned skin. Her curly brown hair was in a loose pony tail. She glared at him. What seemed to amaze Darlington was her height. She was at most 4'9. "Watch it fam. Ain't playing with these new sneakers got it?" She said in a semi aggressive tone. "Damn. I told Dad I didn't want to come in first place" the girl groaned under her breath as she eyed Darlington. She didn't even say a sorry.

"I think the word you're looking for is sorry" Darlington said in a matter of fact tone, hands crossed on his chest. He ignores the liquid sipping into his white dress shirt. She rolled her eyes.

"Make me." She said again with a glare, the amusing part was that they both used glasses and both simultaneously adjusted it.

"I don't even care" Darlington breathed walking past her. The girl looked down at her shoes. It wasn't damaged at all. She was just attacking him for no reason. She muttered a sorry more to herself than to the Spanish boy walking away from her. She clutched onto her empty cup. She didn't mean what she said. Darlington brought out his phone and it rang. He called his mom.

"Yeah mom, yeah. Could you come get me please?" He spoke lowly to the phone. He sounded like a whiny child. He cursed berries under his breath as he continued. "My suit got ruined. I don't feel like staying anymore. No. Ok then. I'd get get Dorothy. See you in 20 minutes." The line went dead and he scrolled through his phone for Dorothy. He clicked call. He put a hand on his hip, tapping his foot impatiently as it rang. He took the phone from his ear to look at the call but dailed it again.

Dorothy pulled out her phone. "Yeah. I'm with Al and Anne. Ok ok. I'd be there in 10. I said 10" Dorothy breathed into the phone. Darlington heard how her breath hitched at the end before the like went dead. He had to find his sister. Dorothy glared up at Josh with teary eyes. "So what? It's Lyn you're in love with? Or are you just scared of commitment?" Dorothy demanded. They were far way from the crowd, behind the chapel.

"Look, I'm not-" Josh began with a deep sigh. It was breaking him having to see her like that but maybe he was scared of commitment. Maybe he was scared of doing something wrong and hurting her but it was pointless. He was already hurting, taking a hammer and smashing at her heart. She glared at him. Deep into those eyes that set butterflies in her stomach. Her blue orbs seemed to glow through her glasses with anger and tears.

"You're not what? Ready to commit? Ready to say you care?" Dorothy asked in frustration and Josh made the dirt bag move of leaning in. She smacked him across the face. He expected her to shout the next three cliche words 'i hate you' but she just stood there. He stared at her. He deserved it but for him to leave, she had to say. "If you think that I'm going to say I hate you then you have another thing coming" and he did have another thing.

If he kept taking the lead he'd feel he could call the shots, he'd feel he'd decide what to do with her heart. But not with this fisty duck. She was different to him. She grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down. She gripped tightly to the collar. Her knees were weak and she was visibly shaking. "You know why?" She whispered into his ear. "It's cause I love you" she said the last part and pecked him where she smacked him. She didn't give him the chance to utter a word as she ran off. Josh stood there in awe. She was something else.

"You're leaving?" Josephine asked a Darlington who seemed to be waiting impatiently for his mom and Dorothy stamping his foot. He turned around. Reliefed that it was her. He visibly relaxed to the sound of her soothing velvet like voice.

He nodded and she hummed. The sound of a honk sent them both out of their stare contest. Darlington saw long black hair stomp right pass him and into the car's backseat slamming the door shut. "I'm leaving. Bye" he stood on his toes and pecked her cheek hastily before running off into his mom's car. When he got into the car, he went red to his ears. He just pecked her like it was normal. The butterflies churning at his stomach were doing little to ease his racing heart.

Beatrice being oblivious didn't seem to feel like asking what was wrong with both her kids. Instead she asked if they enjoyed the wedding. Darlington ended up talking about how he met Alonzo Reia and how he'd be attending the cooking competition come February. His mom expressed happiness but they both seemed to be oblivious to a Dorothy clenching her fists.

Josephine was stunned, a hand lightly on her cheek. Josh walked up to her. "We're f*cked aren't we" instead of agreeing she was grinning from ear to ear.

Dorothy walked into Darlington's room all dressed up for Lucy's infamous Halloween party. Darlington saw her by his door and smiled at her. "So he screwed up?" Darlington asked her. No surprise that Dorothy had been telling her brother everything that was happening right after their kiss back at the resort.

"I slapped him" Dorothy said looking guilty. Darlington nodded in understanding, pushing his glasses up wards and indicating for her to come in and seat.

"Why?" Darlington asked, putting the baking book away.

"I don't know. I was angry and scared". Dorothy said sitting on his his bed

"You know he likes you right?" Darlington said. He might be oblivious but Josh had cut class for her. Couple of times and ditched their practices and parties for her.

"I pecked him right after and told him how I felt then I ran away. I'm so childish." She said blushing a bit, she glanced at her brother.

Darlington scoffed. "I pecked her good bye after I kissed Sebastian. Trust me you're better than me." Dorothy knew about the deal Darlington had with Sebastian so she nodded in understanding.

"At least you're trying to find your way". She said looking down. She was the more expressive one. The one who's tell you just how she felt. She was that kind of girl. She wasn't in the mood for games.

"I'd talk to him for you." Darlington reassured. Her eyes seemed to light up even though she was claiming to be angry.

"I'm still mad at him" she forced herself to say and Darlington smiled at her

"Don't worry. I'd talk to him for you." Darlington said again, trying to let her know he wasn't backing down.

"Thanks bro" she said with a sigh, she got up and left his room. Darlington sighed himself, taking Alonzo's card and staring at it intently. He picked up his phone and sent a message to her.

"Did you do this?" Was the text accompanied by a picture of the card with his well manicured hands.

"No darling, I didn't" was her reply. Darlington bit his lip before typing and sending.

"Are you lying to me?" Josephine smiled as she read the text. She looked up at Josh "I'm not going to the party anymore" she told him. And he simply nodded walking out of the house. Josephine ran upstairs. To lay on her bed.

"Yes darling. I told Alonzo you wanted in on his show" she texted, the phone to her chest.

Darlington went pink in embarrassment. She really did what she promised for him. "Thank you" he sent.

Then she sent "no p" Darlington wasn't sure what to text back so he didn't force it. He put his phone down and payed in bed. But 11pm and he was still turning around in his bed. He picked up his phone. He had promised himself that he'd tell her tonight. And he would.

He picked up his phone and called. After the second ring she picked it up. "Hey sorry for the disturbance" he said and Josephine smiled at her end.

"It's cool, I couldn't sleep anyways" she shrugged the last part.

Darlington was red to his ears as he spoke "could you come over? We need to talk..."

And that's a rap guys 😇😁

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