chapter 8

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"Youre on your period yeah? So I got you some cramp relief medicine from the school clinic" Darlington spoke passing king the pills. King had a shocked look with a tint of red spread across her cheeks. "What are you?" She asked taking the pills and popping one in her mouth.

"I'm a dude but I'm pretty sure the school's nurse thinks other wise. She kept glaring at me and looking at me weird....." Darlington spoke taking from his salad. King just looked at him. His innocence was beyond reasoning

She was tempted to ask if he were rainbow, but She held her tongue and chewed on her burger slowly. They ate together in silence, Darlington oblivious to the whispers of other students as he ate. He pushed up his glasses as his phone rang.

"You have a phone?" King questioned a bit shocked. Darlington rose a brow but didn't reply her as he picked his call. His case was an aqua blue one with stars. It was beautiful. Darlington began to speak in Spanish and king's mouth hung open. He sounded so hot and although she could make out the words he spoke, she knew it was even  hotter when Darlington spoke it.

"Darling, what language is that?" King asked feeling stupid and plus her face was still red after Darlington hung up. She knew the language but the way he spoke it was so deep like he had the tone embedded in him.

"Spanish, why?" Darlington replied looking at his empty plate.

"Nothing, the language is just extremely hot" king said a smirk forming on her face and it was Darlington's turn to blush. The bell rung and it was time for classes again.

"Nunca dejas de sorprenderme. Primero eres lindo y luego eres caliente. Decídete, me está volviendo loco " king whispered in his ear and it meant "You never cease to amaze me. First youre cute,then youre hot, make up your mind, it's driving me insane"  And with that, she left Darlington to process her words as he gulped hard, now he was screwed. He tried to help her but it was like all she wanted to do was tease him.


Darlington and Josh were in Darlington's living room talking about home work. They were both seated on a three seater chair. Close to the resturant kitchens door. Darlington in a dull peach long sleeved shirt while Josh in a white top denim jacket and denim jeans.

"Darl! My shift is up!" Dorothy said throwing her apron at him and freeing her hair from its high pony tail and flaunting it, Josh savouring each moment, adoring her mini skirt, whit tocked in top and knee high socks.

"Oh ok." Darlington said. He flashed Josh an apologetic and Josh mouthed that it was ok. Darlington hurried off leaving Josh and Dorothy in the leaving room. "Fool" Dorothy scoffed as she looked at Josh's note book. "The hell was that for?" He asked sounding hurt.

"Your handwriting is awful." She sighed adjusting her glasses. "Sure" Josh rolled his eyes at her and looked away. He felt a deep in The seat and felt a cool breath fanning his cheek. He turned to find Dorothy staring intently at him. He moved back, frightened by their proximity. "Youre actually really cute. You're good to look at" she said tilting her head slightly. 

"You're so weird, your brother is scared and shy but you're so bold for a girl, a junior at that." Josh scoffed.

"Wow thanks, and you're an idiot" that said Dorothy left up the stairs to her room.

Josh was left speechless. Just following her with his eyes till her long black, smooth And manicured hair dissapared above the stairs.


Meanwhile, king was at Alicia's street fight contest.

"Breath" king encouraged, whispering into Alicia's ear from outside the ring. "You can take him" king added to an overly excited Alicia who was breathing in sharp uneven breaths. "If you can't take him, tag me." King added and Alicia nodded.

It was her third and final fight. Most people went into this kind of things because of unfortunate circumstances but Alicia just loved the thrill. Each time, it was the same feeling and she loved it. It made her body heat up and her heart beat faster than even the time she saw king modelling.

"Go on!" King shouted as the bell rang. King was in a boys vest and Brown boys shorts. She pulled at her hair as the fight began.

There were screaming and people betting and throwing money around. It's the place where people came together. All kinds of people, the rich, the poor, the average, the frustrated, the angry ones, the ones who just love the rush. And it was no surprise that king would be involved with this kind of place.

Alicia got knocked out by a guy who wasn't even in the match. That's the stuff about street fighting, the rules are a little loose. "Oh shit" king said as Alicia came face first with the floor. King didn't hesitate, jumping into the ring and screaming "fight me bitch" as her fist came in contact with the guys face. Alicia's coach pulled her out of the ring so she won't get trampled on.

She took her stance, waiting for the guy to try another move and he did but king was faster and moved landing her fist below his chin sending the guy flying. The crowd went wild and king was happy that she could let out the pain of her monthly flow by simply beating others up. She threw her fist in the air "that's what I'm talking about" she said. A girl, on the same team as the first two boys jumped into the ring and punched king on the back. A hard one that made her lose balance and stumble forward, Alicia snapped, jumping back into the ring. King smirked, that girls gonna get it now.

Punches, kicks and so on, till Alicia knocked her out with a punch to the side of her head and the crowd cheered.

A/N: hey guy, firstly, i can't speak Spanish, what's there is from Google translate. But Damn I'm in love with the language. The way they speak it and all.

Like Damn, Spanish should be the sexiest language ever!!!! Probably Latino too because Damn, they could call me stupid (don't try your luck) and I'd still swoon like yesssssssssssss

It's such a hot language!

Leave a comment, let's know what you want to see in this book, the drama, the adventure,  the romance, go on, you can even ask characters questions as they'd answer 10 lucky people in an upcoming chapter. Not sure when the chapter would be available but it will!


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