chapter 10

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The day Darlington hated the most more than others, although after the incident with basketball, he joined the racers, and health care too since racing isn't really a sport worthy of much praise as Preston high has their basketball to hold on to.

"Come on Darl! What are you looking at?! Move! Move!! Move!!" Coach growled, and darlington ran, even though out of breath, then he made the mistake of looking over to where king and her squad were doing their warm ups and she winked at him. He had gone off track and soon came head first with a long metallic pole causing him to fall on his behind "owiee" he cried, he looked so cute, cute enough to make king laugh. She kept on laughing even when Josh had jogged all the way from the centre of the field to help him up but it wasn't just Josh helping him up, also Lyn a foreign exchange student was helping him up. She had bright orange neck length hair and was definitely Asian. "Are you ok?" She asked beating Josh to the question and Josh just stared at her. He didn't like her one bit.

"Im-im fine" Darlington answered with red dust spreading across his face. His face. His glasses. Where were his glasses. He started to panic going back down to his knees, he used his hands to search for them on the cold ground but all he felt was dirt and more dirt. "Hey, Darl whatcha looking for" Josh asked his friend who was searching around like a blind bat.

"Here you go" an all too familiar voice said and Darlington's head shot up, his vision was blur but he knew exactly who it was. King. She knelt to his level and fixed the glasses on his face firly, then she brushed away the hair on his face, tucking the really long ones behind his ear. He blinked as he now looked intently at her. She was pretty fast and even picked up Darlington's glasses, she was impressive. All this without breaking even a single sweat.She didn't have an amused loom what so ever, she looked concerned but all that was gone by his second blink as it was replaced by a smirk.

"Go on now, go get cleaned up, we need some first aides around. That's enough running for the day darling, or you might just end up falling for me again and this time, even with a bruise maybe" king said with a proud look and Josh almost practically rolled his eyes at her lines. She was really a pro at this. Darlington just went crimson red after the comment but stood up, saying thanks to all three if them and hopping in the opposite direction. He then remembered something that had been bothering him for a while now, which was 'She stole your first kiss' it had registered a but later that he really had to confront her about the whole situation. He also made a mental note to leave out the part that it was hisfirst kiss.

As he walked out with his aid kit, he breathed fresh air and was ready to attend to people. And the first person was Sebastian. How unfortunate for him.

Darlington examined the scrape on his knee, he decided to add disinfectant which caused Sebastian to hiss and move a little which made Darlington jolt slightly, retreating. "Sorry" he whispered and Sebastian nodded for him to continue, after all, he was enjoying Darlington's gentle touch and he was trying to savour it, if king knew-

"Coach I have an injury too!" King said and Darlington stiffened. She was deeper into the filled than where him and Sebastian were so what was her problem?

Coach walked over to her. "I don't see nothing" coach said inspecting her leg that was actually clear of any injury, not even a bruise. She looked over and Josh gave her a disapproving look, she was batshit crazy, that was for sure.

"Give me that" king said snatching a pocket knife from a juniors back pocket. Even she didnt know  why she felt wierd having Darlington stay that close to Sebastian but she didnt like it one bit. The junior knew better than to protest. And so he just walked away. Josh warned her through air mouthing and gestures but she returned with meaner gestures and since coach was taking the roaster of those who attended and those who skipped, she flipped open the knife.

Josh still warning until she mouthed a long stream of words to him and his eyes brew wider then she did the whole "shhhhhh" signal with the blunt part of the knife against her lips.

She then made a thin, not so deep slit on he lower leg then she put the knife away in the back pocket of her jersey and said. "Coach! I think you should check again"

"For the last time Josephine, don't-" he cut himself after he saw the injury, her whole leg looked covered in blood.

'Batshit crazy bitch' josh mouthed to himself as he looked away, not wanting to watch the scene unfold.

"Josephine, do you need to go to the clinic?" Coach asked, worried.

"Nope I'm fine, i just need a certain first aider........" She trailed off unfazed by her injury and coach knew that the best was what she needed.

Sebastian who watched all this unfolded groaned as Darlington was just asking him to pick the type of plaster he wanted but obviously he couldn't decide what he wanted since before he could even take a proper look at them, coach had called for Darlington and Darlington put a random one which so happened to have a pink heart on it.

The bell rang and student began leaving where as darlington was stuck treating king's wound.

"I-i-" Darlington began. He had to get it off his chest, but how would he approach it ? Maybe if he-

"If you have something to say, then say it before you blush to death" king sneered and Darlington was angry now. Why would she say that to him? That's not right. After she-

"You stole my first kiss!" He blurted out and he instantly regretted it as he used both his hands to cover his mouth. No-no -no!!!! What has he done?! But he was stil angry, king's surprise turned into a smirk as she knew how heated up he was. She knew he won't think straight at this point.

"So do you want to have it back?" King asked, teasingly.

"Yes! Wait wha-" Darlington was saying. He only realized his answer when it was too late.

King's upper lip was already inbetween his lips. It was the right kinda kiss. It would have been innocent if king didnt decide to suck on his lower lips and even use her tonge to tease his lip.

Darlington was shocked and pulled away immediately her tongue came in contact with his lips.

He was red and breathing heavily while she had a smirk on her face as she liked her upper lip, Darlington put his hand over his mouth. Maybe he did accidentally use his tonge on her upper lip that was inbetween his. What?! It was honestly an accident!

King smirked and said "Go on, get your job done or my wound could get infected then the infection might spread around my leg making me unable to walk and eventually the doctors decide to ampu-" she was saying but he quickly began dressing her wound. His cheeks red and hands shaking but he was doing his best, he didnr want her to die because of him even though now he didnt like her in the slightest bit and wanted to do something awful to her.

A/N: what did he do to her??????😊😊😊😊

Don't look so dissapointed,  it's not like I know what's going to happen in the next chapter.

...... oh wait, i do 😃😄😈

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cliché Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora