Chapter 16

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The boys, Emilia and I decided to spend our Thursday afternoon together. Expect breakfast and dinner time we didn't hang out together as a big group since I first met them. Today we decided to play a game billiard together. I'm a horrible player but because we're so many I don't have to play that much.

Happily I ignored the fact that I was supposed to be in therapy class for the first time right now. I mean spending time with friends is really important, isn't it? That's probably helping me more than this class would.

None of my friends know that I even have to go to this class expect Gracie and I told her not to tell someone. Don't ask why I don't even know. I don't want to be seen as this person that has a serious problem. Yes there isn't a real reason why I'm supposed to go but I would say that actually have some serious problems. Yes I'm weird...

Wasn't the best decision because they found out the moment two security guys came in.

"Olivia we're here to bring you to class.", I remember one of the guards from my first day here.

"I'm not Olivia see.", I put my ponytail on my forehead to make it look like I have bangs.

"Ha ha ha funny.", one of them says.

"It's actually really funny...", Gabriel says starting to laugh really loud. That's the spirit.

Without anything more they walk in my direction and I walk backwards. Sadly we're on the third floor so I can't use the window to escape. Panicking I look around but don't see a way to escape this.

Within seconds I'm tagled to the ground a security guard pinning me down.

"Get off me you Prick!", I try my best but he's stronger than me.

"We don't have to do it like that just come with us."

"Okay but could you please get up?"

He gets up and I slowly get up too.

I wave my friends a goodbye who look at me in shock and turn around to go with the guards.


As fast as possible I start running. This time I don't make the mistake to turn around and just run. I decide to get out of the building and run down the steps. I swear if I break my neck because of these stairs they should be scared.

I hear loud steps behind me and try to go faster. I should start to work out because some running skills would be helpful. I run to the entrance out of the building.

If not everyone is talking about me tomorrow again I'll make a backflip. I run through groups of students who are staring at me.

This time I know my way around better and decide to hide behind the library. I've never seen anyone there and I don't even think a lot of people know this spot.

To reach the spot between the library and the school building you have to climb over a fence and I know I have to get rid of the security first.

I take sharp turns and behind an edge I dare to look around and luckily can't see the security.

Fast I run to the fence and try my best to climb over. On the other side I only have to run around the next corner and then I should be safe.

I let myself fall down and end up on my ass. Which really hurts but I still get up and sprint the last meters towards my safe space. The second I'm around the corner I slide down the wall completely out of breathe. I've never ran this much before.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I jump up looking around. Near by Noah is leaning against the wall smoking a joint.

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