Chapter 32

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(Her outfit :))

Today really is the day...

I can't  tell you how excited I am right now. It's Friday morning and tonight Noah and I are going on a date. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! Okay I'll calm done now.

I hope it'll work out like we planned after the last encounter on Tuesday we had. I haven't really seen him after that. I mostly spend my time with Em and Gracie still keeping the date thing a secret. The actual plan was to meet up in the evening and than sneak out to go downtown Miami.

So when I spot Noah in one of the hallways I decide to go talk to him. I  make a little sprint that is way to exhausting for my liking and end up running into someone. Turns out it's Noah who stopped walking and turned around. I probably would have fell down if not for Noah holding me up with an arm around my waist.

"Woah little one not so fast.", he laughs at my expression still not letting me go.

"Um...", I feel like everything I wanted to say or could say just left my head. So here I am in Noah's arms not knowing what to say.

"Is there something you want from me or do you just like running into me?", his eyebrows are furrowed but a mischievious smile hangs on his lips. I know that he finds this whole situation quite funny.

"I just wanted to um... ask about um tonight...", I stottere  feeling even more embarrassed than before.

"What exactly do you want to ask me about? I thought we already planned everything?", he seems a bit scared or confused I can't really tell.

"I just wanted to make sure it works like planned."

I try to make a step back and he's slowly letting go of my waist. I feel the stares of the others students so I schaffe space between us.

"Why wouldn't it?", he asks clearly not understanding why I'm asking. Well looks like his actions from earlier this week only seemed strange to me. Awesome...

"I don't know anyways I've got to go now.", I make the Noah move and just leave him standing there.

I feel him looking after me but just make my way trough all of the students walking towards their classes.


"Okay 1 or 2... wait what about a more glam look with heels? Or what about basic black jeans and a cute top? Or what about...", before I can keep on with my questions I'm interrupted by Emilia.

"Oli calm your ass down. We'll find the perfect outfit for you. But before I'll help you with that, I need to know were you're going so we'll pick the right thing.", I kinda snuck Emilia who's laying on my bed in my dorm. You know because I'm not allowed to have my friends here. I'm still debating about what to tell her when she pulls my arm making me fall on the bed beside her.

"Come on Oli tell meeee.", she wines in my ear. God help me I won't be able to keep my secret.

"When I tell you don't freak out please.", I look at her and when she tells me she won't freak I keep on talking. "So um Noah and I are going to meet up later.", I then tell her hesitantly.

I can't even finish before Em starts squealing like a little kid. What did I get myself into? She jumps up and runs towards my closet graben durch my clothes like she's trying to find the perfect outfit.

"Why haven't you told me?? Omg Olivia we have to hurry and find the perfect outfit and all", she pulls out different pieces and lays them out on the floor.

"Now you're the one freaking out. I didn't want to make such a big deal out of it. I just need your help with finding a good outfit", I sit down on the floor next to Emilia and all my clothes.

"Okay, okay... what are you two going to do. I need to know to pick the right thing."

"There is the problem... He told me it's going to be a surprise.", I frown at the fought of not knowing what to wear. What if I wear something totally unfitting??

"Okay that makes it harder but I'm a specialist in picking the perfect outfits. Don't you worry.", and with that she turns to the clothes all around her and keeps on putting different items together.

All in all we spend over an hour to decide on an outfit. Em makes me try on soo many outfits always finding something that doesn't find or an outfit that would be better. We go through casual outfits, dresses, some elegant some casual, different pants and skirts until we both say we found the perfect thing.

I wear a thin white sweater, a grey check pattern mini skirt, black tights with some holes, black boots and an oversized black leather jacket. I let my hair open and add jewelry. Em helps me with a good eye make-up and I'm completely finished.

"How much time do we have left?", Em ask sprawled out on my bed.

"Well it's currently 8.45 pm and we'll meet at 10ish outside. Enough time for you to sneak back and for me to calm down a bit.", this really is a lot more complicated now than when we were roomies.

"Okay okay... I'm going to go now but Olivia... Take care and don't do anything stupid. Oh and please don't kill Noah or let him kill you or something...", she starts giggling and I roll my eyes at her.

"I probably won't kill him...", I grin at her. "You should go now before we get in trouble. But please don't tell anyone about this Noah thingy. I don't want people talking about it."

She just gives me a mischievious smile while she opens the door. I'm a bit annoyed at her behavior but I know she wouldn't actually tell anyone. At least not if that is what I want.

Author's note:

Short I know but more a gab filler :) And I'm so sorry for not updating....

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