Chapter 10

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I didn't see Noah the whole day and it's already lunchtime again. I skipped breakfast after saying I would feel really bad and had the showers all for myself. After a long shower in which I told myself that I would just try to avoid seeing Noah forever I started this really boring day.

I decided I should try to find another friend so I wouldn't be alone in most of my classes but I didn't succeed. A lot of people don't want to be seen with me because the Noah thing probably. I can't understand that the most people are scared of him. I get along with the most people in my classes so far that must be enough I mean you don't need many friends if you have a few close ones. At least Emilia, Mike and Marlon I can imagine to become close friends. But friendships take time to develop and at the moment I just know that we get along really well.

I'm having lunch with Emilia and her girlfriend Kiara. Kiara is really pretty with her short black hair and we get along. She's really funny and we share a similar humor.

I'm again eating the same strange salad because of the bad selection of food and listen to Kiara talking about a funny film she watched yesterday evening with her roommate.

She stops talking and right as I'm about to ask what's wrong I feel someone standing behind me.
Before turning around I know that's Noah. Give me a break.

I slowly turn around and face him. Even though I try to tell myself other wise I have to appreciate his look. He wears a black jeans jacket with a white shirt, black Chucks and grey sweatpants. Grey Sweatpants. Oh lord...

I try my best to look him in the face instead of further down and give him a questioning look.
"Can we talk?", he looks less arrogant than he normally does but I try to tell myself that he's playing a game right now.

"I don't have time.", I point at my food. "I'm eating." You have to set priorities.

He rolls his eyes at me. "Salad isn't food."

I look at him in disbelief. Is he kidding me right now? How stupid is he? I turn my back at him and face my food.

"In my eyes it is so now fuck off."

The second I say it I regret it. Maybe because of Ems shocked face. Maybe he ignores it. I mean he came to talk to me after what I did yesterday. Maybe he isn't as bad as everyone says.

"Say that again.", he says with clenched teeths.

"And you said I have agression problems..."

What the hell am I doing?? I make fun of him and different to yesterday there are a lot of people watching us. Do you need popcorn. Like seriously can't they mind their own business?

"Get up!"

"I'm not-", before I could finish he grabs my arm and pulls me with him. He is a lot stronger and even though I try my best I can't get him to let me go.

"Stop touching me you asshole! You're hurting me!", I tell him as he drags me out of the cafeteria.

He finally lets go of me as we reach an empty hallway. I go a few steps backwards rubbing my hurting arm. He seems fucking angry. Now I wish he would look arrogant.

"I only want to talk.", he states but I don't answer. If he wants to talk he has to talk.

"What did I do wrong yesterday?"

Ahh that's what this drama is about. Poor Noah got rejected for the first time. I feel so bad for him. Not.

"I told you to get of me and you didn't do it.", I decide to act like I don't know what he means.

"That's not what I mean..."

"Then tell me. Say it. Say that little Noah got rejected from a girl for the first time."

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