Chapter 2

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As I'm looking out of the car window I watch the people around us. We're currently driving away from Miami's Airport to the boarding school which is a little outside of Miami. A woman I would say she's around fifty picked me up from the airport. They probably thought I would do some stupid shit if I would be alone.

They're not wrong.
I might or might not have pourded my apple juice over the guy sitting next to me on the plane.
But to defend myself I have to say he made some sexual comments in my direction. That's something I  just can't ignore. This asshole definitely deserved it.

"You will love the school honey. We have a beautiful garden and an amazing library.", the woman who's name I "sadly" forgot  tells me. I wish she would stop trying to talk with me. I'm so not in the mood. I have to admit I generally don't like talking with people I don't or barely know.

I've never been someone with a lot of friends. I can't even tell why. When I was younger I talked a lot but I felt like I was annoying other people. But now I feel like people are annoyed from me being quiet. Everything I do is wrong...

The woman keeps talking about the "wonderful" school my parents force me to go to. I look out of the window again to see what's going on outside this car.
I've never been to Miami before. I lived in Germany my whole life. Well not anymore. I'll graduate in two years and then...

Well I don't know. I don't know what I will do. I have nothing I really enjoy doing or that I am good at so it's hard to decide what I'm going to do. I could travel but I don't think I want to travel alone. I don't know anyone who would come with me. It's not like I have  tons of friends. I would say I have like three friends.

If I'm being honest I don't think I will keep in contact with them. Not because I don't want to but because we normally don't text a lot but rather meet up.

"See there we are.", I hear the woman saying bringing my attention to the huge Gate in front of us. Damn this school is really secured. Goodbye my plans of sneaking out to have a life.

The gate in front of us is being opened and we're driving on the campus of my new school. I can see a lot of cameras. Where am I a prison?!
The car is parked near one of the huge buildings on the campus. Probably a office or something like that.
"You can leave your suitcase here someone will bring it to your room.", she already left the car waving at me to follow her. I sigh and then get out of the car to follow her.

We're going inside the building in front of us passing some people who look like students. It's currently 10am on a Sunday I hope that's not normal here to be up at that time. Your girl won't get up so early.

I follow the woman down a corridor to a door with "principals office" on it. That will be fun. She knocks two times before a woman's voice tells us to come in. Please don't be a woman. I've made really bad experiences with female principals.

The room we go in is really huge. In the middle is a huge desk with three chairs in front of it. A middle aged woman is sitting on the other side watching us as we come in. Damn! Why can't I be lucky for once. Nervous I play with my bracelets while looking around in the room. This school practically screams money.

"You must be Olivia Sommer.", the woman gets up to shake my hand. I ignore her Hand. Bacterias girl...
She puts her hand away raising one of her eyebrows. "We're really really happy to welcome you here on our school. My name is Mrs. Gothan your principal. Your timetable is already in your room as well as the school uniform. " Wait what?! School uniform. She's joking right. She has to! Nobody told me I have to wear a uniform?!

"You will start school tomorrow. I'm sure your roommate will help you get along. You have to be in your room at 9pm the latest. Bed time is 10pm. Breakfast is at 7am in your building. You also got a list with all the other important rules in your room. I think that's all for now." , she gives me my room key. 9pm and 10pm she isn't serious, is she?
"Oh I forgot one important thing.", she smile's at me.
"You have to give me your phone.", she stretchs out her hand. I look at her my eyes wide open.

Second chancesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon