Chapter 36 - AMPUTATION

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Donald and Lorraine told Alex that he could look after Jake more of the time while they concentrated on other things, Donald had become tired of dealing with Jake. Jake had started answering back to Alex more often so Alex decided to punish him by starving him. ''I'll only let you have some food when you learn the correct way to speak to me boy, I expect respect at all times and you must never argue with me and never answer back''

Jake soon got pissed off with being made to go hungry and started stealing food from the kitchen when no one was looking, just little bits at a time so that no one would notice. He would hide them in his pockets and under his bed. Unfortunately, he got careless and Alex caught him one time. Upon searching the basement Alex found more stolen food that Jake was saving for later

''Stealing now too?'' He said ''you do know that stealing is a crime and a punishable one Jake?''Jake was unapologetic ''maybe if you let me have some food I wouldn't need to steal Sir'' he said

Alex reported Jake's stealing to Lorraine and Donald and the three of them agreed that Jake must be punished. Jake was brought up to kneel before the family in the lounge to answer the charge of stealing. They were all there, Donald, Lorraine, Alex, Chloe, and Danny

''So stealing is an offense and must be dealt with severely'' Lorraine said to him ''do you have anything to say in your defense?''

''Yeah maybe if Alex stopped starving me I'd not need to steal'' Jake replied ''Nice try'' Donald told him ''but you can't get out of it that easily. Alex made you go hungry as a punishment, you were supposed to accept it and learn from it, not steal food''

''We need to decide on the punishment'' Alex said with glee

''Well in some places they cut off people's hands for stealing'' said Lorraine ''maybe we should amputate a hand'' Alex looked delighted ''awesome idea mum'' he said ''I like this idea a lot, this would be the best punishment, who agrees with mum and me about it?''

''I agree with you both'' Donald said gravely

Jake Chloe and Danny looked horrified ''please no you are going way too far with this'' Chloe said

 ''i agree with Chloe, this is too much'' Danny said

''You two have always been too soft on the scum'' Alex said with a sneer ''anyway it's three against two so you lose''

''When will the amputation take place then?'' Danny asked, shaking his head with disapproval

''I say we do it tonight, why waste time?'' replied Alex

''I agree'' said Lorraine ''Let's do it tonight''

''And which hand should we cut off?'' Donald pondered ''left or right?''

''Whichever one he wanks with I say'' Alex said with a sadistic laugh

Despite Chloe, Danny, and Jake himself begging them to change their mind they amputated Jake's right hand while he was awake and with no pain relief. Afterward, they stitched up the wound and bandaged it and Jake was left with an arm and no hand on the end of it. ''Of course, you will still have to do all your chores as usual'' Alex informed him in a casual, matter-of-fact way ''Just because you only have one hand now doesn't change anything, you must still do all your jobs, as usual, it will be harder and take longer to do but that's OK, there is not any rush and we have plenty of time together''

JAKE'S PUNISHMENTΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα