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This time the man did not return for 2 days. Jake spent the time pacing the room, doing his exercises, and drinking water until he nearly threw up. He managed, by some miracle, to get some sleep, lying naked on the cold floor. He dreamt of being back home, being with Cindy. He woke up and forgot where he was for a few glorious seconds until it hit him again. It felt like forever until the man came back.

Jake stood looking up at him again.

''Decided to show me some respect yet?'' the man asked

''Screw you!'' Jake replied belligerently '' I am sorry for what I did to your son, but that does not give you the right to do this to me. no way you crazy bastard''

The man shook his head ''This is disappointing'' he said with an angry sigh ''I can see you need teaching a lesson''

The man disappeared and Jake could hear the sound of him doing something up above, out of sight. Jake felt a wave of fear flash over him. He knew that the man was about to do something horrible. He was determined to keep calm about it, not get into a state.

The man returned

''Last chance'' he said, calmly but threatening

''GO TO HELL!'' was Jake's defiant reply

''Very well'' The man pointed a water cannon down into the basement and turned it on, sending a powerful stream of icy cold water onto Jake's body and knocking him off balance. Jake was drenched in freezing cold water causing him to scream out in shock.  He eventually got to his feet again and ran to the far corner and stood against the wall, but that offered no protection. There was no escape from the water

''SWITCH IT OFF, PLEASE SWITCH IT OFF'' Jake begged finally, unable to take any more of the freezing water

The man switched it off. Jake felt sure that the basement must be flooded but he noticed for the first time a drain running along the entire length of the back wall. The water was running down it. This bastard really had thought of everything. He looked around grimly, the floor and the walls were soaking wet. He would not only be cold but also wet now, he would have to sit on the wet floor and sleep on it

''Please give me a towel or something to dry myself with'' He asked

''Try asking in a different way'' the man instructed

Jake got down on his knees, on the cold and wet floor, and looked up at the man. Now he was towering even higher above him. Jake felt so tiny now, so helpless. He was gripped by fear but still wanted to hide it as much as he could

''Please give me something to dry myself, I'm begging'' He said politely

The man tossed a towel down and Jake grabbed it, stood up, and started to dry himself

''Thanks'' he said

''That's an improvement, but there is still work to be done'' the man informed him

''Can I have something to eat now please?''

''No sorry, like I say there is still work to be done on improving your attitude first''

''But you can't starve me forever''

''No, but I can starve you for a long time. All the time you have access to water you can survive like that for a while without needing food. It won't be pleasant but you will be alive at least''

''And what about a bed? This floor is soaking wet, I can't sleep on this''

''No bed either'' the man said ''You see, you really are at my mercy, you see that right? You can't get out of here, you can't have food or a bed or anything unless I give it to you, I have all the power. I can punish you as and when I want, I can use the hose or maybe something else, something worse...or you can start showing me an improvement in your attitude and we'll see about making it more bearable for you''

''Ok, so what do you want me to do?''

''Like I say you need to show me more respect. Kneeling for me is a start, but you can think about how you can improve on it. Get back on your knees right now''

Jake did as he was told and knelt back down on the concrete floor, looking up helplessly at his captor high above him

''Stay on your knees, turn around, and face the wall''

Jake did as he was told and turned to face the wall

''Press your face against the wall''

Jake obeyed the instruction and pushed his body up closer to the wall and pressed his face into the wall

''You will remain like that until I return. A long, hard, serious think about your attitude towards me. Nothing to do but stare at the wall. You will not move from that position, because if you do and I catch you I will punish you again. You won't hear me coming either so you won't know when exactly I will return, it could be at any time. that's why it's important you remain in that position, you understand?

''Yes, I understand'' Jake replied, realizing with dread that this was going to be absolute hell. His knees were already starting to hurt. To his shock, the man made the situation even bleaker by switching the light off. Suddenly the dimly lit basement was plunged into total, pitch darkness

''See you later'' he said. closing the door and leaving Jake alone

It was pitch black, Jake could see nothing but darkness. He could hear complete silence, it felt deafening. Was this how it felt to be buried alive? Jake realized that the only way to get through it would be to keep his mind occupied. He decided to start singing some songs in his head, but eventually, he couldn't help it he ended up singing out loud too

''I remember when I woz at school, they treated me like I woz a fool, Punished me for tryna act cool, They sat me in a class facin the wall...Others had a laugh but no fun for me, I had maths when they had P. E. practiced for my GCSE, I woz told the rest were better than me...In English everyone got C, Not me they gave me a G, Pushed and kicked by all the bullies, Cut my head on the ground, And grazed up my knee...Sent to school on every birthday, An hours detention every Friday...''

Jake got really carried away but eventually decided he had the best stop in case the man returned and punished him for singing. His knees were killing now and he had to take his face away from the wall for a moment's relief. He needed a pee but was too scared to move, and in any case, he couldn't see where the fucking toilet was now. What the hell, the place was wet anyway, what would it matter if he took a piss too? He leaned away from the wall and pissed all up the wall and over the floor. He had to really think about how he could show respect. He thought about the song he was singing, School.....when he was at school he hated calling the male teachers Sir and sometimes he would not bother to do it. Sometimes they would yell at him and remind him to show them some respect. That was it, the man wanted him to address him as Sir. that had to be it. Jake felt pleased with himself, he was finally working it all out. Of course, he didn't want to call this man, the man who was holding him like this, Sir, He had some other much less flattering names in mind. But he would do what he had to to make this situation better and maybe the man would reward him. Maybe he would let him go home if he did as he was told and pleased him? Jake hoped the man would return soon so he could show him that he had learned. His knees really were killing him now.

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