Chapter 34 - GROUNDED FOR 10 YEARS

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A few months had passed since Darren had been forced to confess to rape and Chloe had been forced to say he had done it.

Alex, Chloe, Donald, and Lorraine were in court to see Darren being sentenced. Darren's mother was also there, crying into a hanky while her terrified son stood in the dock in smart trousers, a shirt, and a tie

''Rape is a very serious crime'' the female judge told Darren ''It has to be punished heavily and an example should be made of you. I am not prepared to be lenient just because of your age. I want other boys your age to see that if they have the same ideas you had that they will be going to prison for a long time for it and maybe that will make them think twice before they do it, I hope it might be a deterrent to other boys. Now there are a few other reasons why I am not prepared to be lenient, you admitted to drugging her and you also got her pregnant so you did not bother to use protection. this is so wicked, I mean you could have given the poor girl an STD as well. I sentence you to 10 years and I hope you spend those years reflecting on your heinous crime''

Darren fell onto his knees on the dock and buried his face in his hands, he quietly sobbed. Alex looked delighted by the sentence and Chloe was very upset about it, she felt awful about what was happening, what Alex had made happen. Darren didn't deserve this, to have 10 years of his life taken from him

Later when they were alone together Alex noticed how upset Chloe looked

''Why are you so upset?'' he asked her ''the boy just got grounded again like his mother already did only now he is grounded for 10 years that's all. I think he got off lightly considering''

''And when he gets out his life will be ruined anyway, labeled a rapist with a criminal record and he doesn't deserve it''

''Yes Chloe he does deserve it...he's just lucky he isn't grounded for life like Jake is''

JAKE'S PUNISHMENTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora