Chapter 11 - LIFE SENTENCE

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it was the next day. Jake was dressed in his smart shirt and tie again. he had had a pretty sleepless night lying wondering about what they were going to sentence him to today. He was led up to the lounge again by Alex and Danny and told to stand before Sir and Lorraine. Chloe was also sitting there

Jake stood with his hands handcuffed behind his back, he tried to keep calm but he was completely terrified

''My wife and I discussed it at length last night'' said Sir ''we decided on the appropriate punishment. I'm not gonna waste any more time, I'll get straight to the point. You're sentenced to life imprisonment and are to be held here for the rest of your life, here in this house in the basement''

Jake fell to his knees in tears

''Life? please no''

Alex and Danny were completely delighted at this point

''Will there be the chance of parole dad?'' Chloe inquired

Sir shook his head gravely

''We decided the sentence should be a whole life sentence. My wife and I aren't going to be alive to look after him for the rest of his life, but I figure you three can manage when we're gone''

''Yeah and any children we have, we will teach them that this scum is our property, our prisoner, so if any of us die before he does they can carry on guarding him after us!'' said Danny

''Yeah it will never be free ever again'' said Alex smugly

''I think this is way too harsh said Chloe sadly ''he is only 21, we can't keep him, prisoner, for the next 60 years''

''We can and we will'' said Sir

''60 years in a fucking basement?'' Jake said suddenly, wiping the tears off his face, ''you are all insane''

''You won't spend all the time in the basement'' replied Lorraine ''now that you've been sentenced properly we will work out a regime for you, a routine. You will be expected to do work for us, cooking, cleaning and so on. Supervised at all times of course. You may be granted time in the garden if you behave, again supervised. We may get you to do some gardening. You will be allowed regular showers''

''Yeah he fucking stinks, he needs a shower!'' said, Alex

''What about my parents?'' asked Jake, ''they are suffering because I am missing, and it's not fair on them. Can't I let them know I am alive or something at least? I just don't want them to think I am dead or whatever''

''Ok'' said Sir ''you're right, they don't deserve to suffer too. You'll be allowed one phone call to them, on the withheld number so it can't be traced back to us''

''Thanks'' said Jake.'' when can I make the call?''

''Later, first, its time to take you for a shower, and then you will be given your uniform''

''I have to wear a uniform too?''

''Of course, you do, all prisoners wear a uniform right?

Jake shrugged ''Yeah, I guess so...''

Jake stepped out of the shower, too where Alex and Danny were waiting

''Nice shower'' inquired Alex

''Not bad'' replied Jake

''Now the scum doesn't stink eh!'' said Danny with a chuckle

Alex handed over a plain blue shirt and a pair of jeans

''Put those on'' he instructed ''that's your uniform''

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