s i x t e e n

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The entire day felt like it was months, I couldn't wait for this to end and go back to my life, in my office and deal with missing cars or harass victims that just want their pics or videos out of the internet...

It was only at 7 pm that people started to leave, leaving the J's and Garrett at their desks, but I didn't say anything, I was waiting for any of them to say something.

But they only happened when Garrett got up to go do something.

"The two other people will show up in a little bit, we have to wait for Garrett to leave."

For some reason, I felt relieved, like I could breathe after the entire day. I have no idea why or how.

"Okay, I just can't wait until we get this done"- I answer, honestly for the first time today.

Both of them nodded since Garrett was entering the room. The problem was that he noticed, and looked at me with a weird face.

He couldn't catch me, not right now and today.

That bit of today was scary, feeling like he could just call me to say something and tell me he knows something is up, that he knows that I don't belong here and have double intentions.

He left the company at around 8 pm and me with a look as to say that he wants to know what's happening...

And it only took a few seconds (an elevator ride) to get to our level.

The J's got up from their seats and so did I, but this time, I turned on the recorder on my phone and set it on my desk, screen down and hoped that it could catch every single word coming out of their mouths.

"So here is the plan..." -The female voice says.

"Because the boss trusts Madison and you have your car in the garage, you and Jessica can go down there, get into the room and install the new version of the virus, and wait for it to get everything"- The male voice, and the brains, explains.

"While you do that, we will stay and watch, and test the virus when you finish it and make sure that everything is well done"- The female voice starts again.

"Alright, that's fine by me"- Jessica agrees

"Wait... What about you? What do you know about tech?"- I question her

"You are doubting me?"

"Kind of... I need to make sure that you know what you are doing so that we feel safe"- I say in return

"I can assure you that nothing will happen"- The male voice assures.

"Okay"- I finally agree.

We all depart from each other and go to our positions. While in the elevator, I finish this recording and start sending to my boss and wait for his command.

Luckily, he didn't take long.

All he asked me to do was buy them some time to get there and if they weren't there until we did it, I had to create a different software for it to go on.

I just answered a simple okay and to text me when they get here. All I could know now is get this done and hope that they searched how to get in without being seen.

Taking a deep breath, we open the door and get started.

"Nervous?"- Jessica asks.

"Just scared that we will get caught"- I answer while we get everything prepared.

When everything we needed was out, Jessica texted Jake? telling him that we were ready, and started the process.

In all of this, it had only been 5 minutes, so in my position and in my laptop, I made something so that it would stop working, buying me and the department a couple of minutes before Jessica noticed.

But when it took her more than 4 minutes to noticed I started to get even more nervous.

It happened though.

"Wait!"- She screams out of the blue

"What's wrong?"- I ask arching my eyebrows.

"Something is wrong with the code!"- She continues to scream coming around to my station

"What? How? Didn't you do this right??"- I question, faking my worry.

Jessica didn't answer but put me aside and redid the new code, giving me time to check my phone, but even then, it wasn't fast enough since we started to hear sounds from elevator...

That's how I knew that my team was here.

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