t h r e e

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January 2019

Los Angeles

R&L Company, IT Level

After our 'interview', Mr Russo wanted to go with me to where I was going to work, agreeing on meeting once a month to talk about the case progress, just like a normal undercover job.

The 'journey' to the new level was in complete silence, normal, awkward silence, but as soon as the door opened, all we could hear was people talking really loudly which was simply annoying since I like working in silence.

"Good Morning, Mr.Russo"- A young man greeted while passing us.

"Morning."- He says back to the man. "Follow me"- He continues looking at me for a split second.

Looking towards the floor, I follow him, well, his shoes.

Suddenly, he stops walking giving me just seconds to do the same, luckily stopping a few inches behind him.

"Clare"- I hear him say.

Looking up, I find a younger girl than me looking kind of scared.

"This is Miss Brooks, she is new"- She finally looks towards me and I give her a smile so that she could relax a little.

"Hi"- I greet extending my hand.

"Hello"- She greets back and shakes my hand.

"Would you please introduce her to everyone and to this floor?"- The boss talks once again making our heads turn to look at him.

"Sure"- She agrees, giving him a nod.

"Good. I have a meeting to attend to. I will pass by later to see how you are doing"- The boss turns to me while saying it then leaves.

To start the tour, I tell Clare to call me Madison while she took me to one of the desks that were further away from everybody else's.

"This is your desk"

"Why is it so much further away?"- I ask right away, this brings a lot of suspiciousness.

"Oh, Everybody agreed to give you this one because they all said that you were much better at this than the rest of them."- She explains with a shrug.

"Who is everybody?"- I ask again. "Sorry if I'm asking too much... It's just really strange..."- I apologize with a frown.

"It's okay, I understand, I would do the same. Everybody is every director of the different floors and most people on this floor."

At this point, all I could say is 'Oh'. So, everybody has read my CV and knows who I am.

After I register some of the information, I leave my bag in the chair in front of a computer that was turned in a way that I could see everybody and continued to follow Clare around the place.

The tour ended in front of a conference room where was the director and a few other people on this floor.

"Do I really have to go in there?"- I ask Clare looking away from the doors.

"Unfortunately, yes."- She says right away and knock on the door for me. "Sir, this is Miss Brooks."- Clare informs and opens the door wider so that they could see me.

"Come on in Miss"- One of the men says.

Looking through everyone in the room I found 5 guys and 1 girl in the back, so I walked to her and sat down next to her.

"I must say, Miss Brooks, everybody in this room looked through the data you gave us."- The same bloke talked. "Very impressive, MIT, top of your class."

"Thank you, sir."

"We are so excited that you are here! We couldn't contain ourselves that we had to search for everything about you"- One other guy said.

"Creepy" "Creep"- Me and the girl beside me said at the same time which made everybody look to the floor except one guy that had a smirk, staring at me.

"Got a problem?"- I said, kinda rudely, to him arching my eyebrow.

But that only made him smirk more and I just wanted to punch him.

"Garrett, back down."- The original guy snickered.

I guess he is the director.

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