f o u r t e e n

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The next day, I woke up a little bit later than usual, so I got up right away, got dressed, ate lunch and left the house, ignoring Faith completely.

To be honest, I kept speeding to get there on my usual time.

Spoiler alert: I didn't.

I got there 15 minutes later than usual. I've been getting there later and later.

Like always, Garrett loves to annoy me right in the morning, to keep that in check, he annoyed me.

"Damn! What made you be late?"

"Oh... I don't know... Maybe, I was thinking <<why did Garrett decide to stalk me yesterday?>>"

Garrett rolled his eyes and shut up, making the corners of my mouth to turn up.

I got my desk ready for the day and wanted to get started, but Garrett, seemingly, didn't want me to.

"Do you know what's inside that box?"- He wondered.

Looking at his face, all I saw was pure curiosity.

"Nope, they told me to wait before I did."

He simply nods but I could see the confusion all over his face.

"What's up with that face?"- I ask before I could stop myself

"I've seen you look at it as if you were scared of what's inside it, so I just thought you knew what it was..."

I give him a small smile and say "I always follow the rules".


It was now lunch break and I was in the breakroom with the J's, finally alone.

"Here's the motive: The boss likes to think that he is unstoppable and we have to change that and scare him"

"Right... Well, I've heard that there was a virus going on... Was it you two?"

"We weren't the brains, but we helped"- Jack told me

"Who was the brains?"- I wonder

I'm almost there.

"You will meet them if you agree"

"Let's just say.... I'm listening with both ears, but in concrete, what are we doing?"

"*We* are going to steal some things"- Jessica exposes with a smirk

It's like she gets pleasure from hurting people.

Maybe, both of them do...

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