keeping Good Company

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Hangout with good friends. You should want to make friends who share your mission of being a good MUSLIMAH and influence you to be better. If you are lucky enough, you might spot a Muslim girl your age. Be sure to make friends with muslim girl if you find one. You can tell her how you're trying to be a better Muslim, and she might be able to help! Never forget that mix gender friendships are fraught with danger and therefore strictly forbidden in Islam outside marriage.

Avoid negative influences, including old friends (as hard as it may be,the reward of breaking links with them is well worth it)
Who may have had a bad influence or who bring out the negative characteristics in you. Even though Shaytaan (the devil) can tempt us, it is our responsibility as Muslim to fight these temptations and urges by increasing our faith and spirituality.

Realise that there are many excellent female Islamic lectures who are passionate about spreading the peaceful massage of Islam. Try to listen to their lectures and make it your mission too to tell other women about how Islam can help them bring meaning and order to their lives

Marry a good man who will be a good model to your children. Raising children with an evil man can traumatize them or they could take a bad example from him. Such a bad marriage will spread evil in the world. If you are already married to a bad person, try to get him to closer to the Deen (Religion) and if you find that all of your temptations have failed then go for divorce.

السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

Remember me in ur dua's
Allah's slave..
Till then,
Allah Hafiz.

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