Virtues of Surah Mulk and Surah Sajdah

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Benefits of Surah Mulk Recitation: This Fa’ani Dunya in which we live is the test for all of us. We spend our lives, our deeds are recorded and presented in front of Allah SWT on the day of judgement. The day where no one will care for another soul when he will be answerable for his deeds. A light will come for us and it will be the light of the Quran. The reciter of the Quran will gain uncountable rewards.

When to Read Surah Mulk

Prophet Muhammad PBUH has guided us with his actions and sayings. He has advised us to read different surahs on particular occasions and times. Similarly, Surah Mulk which is said to save its reciter from the torment of the grave should be read at night after Isha, before going to bed.

Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk Every Night

The grave will be the eternal home for a Muslim’s body. The darkness will hover over him from every side and loneliness will be his only companion. He will be questioned in his grave about the life that he had spent in Dunya and if he fails, the punishment of the grave will await him. But the followers of the Quran and Sunnah will find a ray of light inside their graves.

“It is a protector; a rescuer; saving from the chastisement of the grave.” (At-Tirmidhi and Al-Hakim.)

Surah Mulk Demands Salvation from Allah:

alvation in Islam is different from other religions. It can only be attained through submission to one true God, Allah and His worship. Muslims are born with pure spirit and free of sin but the corruption of this world indulges them in the state of evil. When a Muslim dies, he needs prayers and his good deeds to help him reach the gates of heaven. When he is a punctual reciter of Surah Mulk, it asks for salvation from Allah SWT to save him from hellfire. It becomes his protector on the day of judgement.

This surah gives salvation from the torment of the grave.”

Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk Before Bed

Surah Mulk is the surah, when recited at night, helps a believer gain rewards and blessings, omits his sins and raise his status in good deeds.

This surah was known as Ma’ani (the preventive) in the times of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as it protects the believers from hellfire and Jahannum.

Hazrat Jaabir ibn Abdullah Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) mentioned that

The beloved Holy Prophet PBUH, his family and companions, never slept without reciting Surah Alif Laam Meem Tanzeel (Surah Sajdah) and Surah Tabaarak (Surah Al-Mulk).” 

Surah Mulk Benefits Hadith

Hazrar Anis RA narrates that the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said, 

“A Surah in the Quran disputes until its reader enters Paradise.”  (Surah Mulk).

(At-Tabarani in Al-Awsat, Ibn Mardaway and Al-Diyya)

How Surah Mulk Intercedes For Forgiveness

Surah Mulk will come for the help of its punctual reciter for his intercession (Sha’fah) until he gets a place in paradise. We all need to recite the Quran regularly to save ourselves from the fuming flames of Jahannum.

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said

 Recite the Quran as it will intercede on the day of judgement for its companions.” 

Surah Mulk Benefits for Deceased:
The most dreadful question that arises in a Muslim’s mind is about his time in the grave and akhira. We spend our lives and indulge in sins without realising that a small sin can make us stay in Jahannum forever. For our help and guidance, we have our Holy Quran which is a complete code of life. We should recite it regularly and remember the important surahs. The surah which can save us from the torment of the grave is Surah Mulk. If a Muslim dies and he used to recite the surah punctually, it will save him from every side of his body. 

Benefits Of Surah Sajdah:

The Holy Prophet PBUH has frequently recited Surah As-Sajdah which is why his virtues and blessings are unaware.

Jabir narrated that, The Holy Prophet PBUH did not sleep without reciting Surah As-Sajdah and Surah Mulk.

Ibn Umar said: “Whoever recites Surah Sajdah and Surah Mulk between the interval of Maghrib and Isha he would reward the blessings of Laila-Tul-Qadr“.

Surah Sajdah will come like this on the Day Of Judgement it will have two arms that will cover its readers and it will say to the angels. There is no way out for this person. There is no way out for this person means ( Don’t catch it leave it ).

Surah Sajdah and Surah Mulk on other Surahs have 60 virtues in excess and Ibn ‘Amr narrated about that.

Abu Huraira narrated that, The Holy Prophet PBUH always recited this Surah Sajdah in fajr prayers on Friday.

In conclusion, Surah Sajdah is a powerful and significant Surah of the Quran. Its recitation has numerous benefits for both worldly and spiritual matters. It speaks of the victory that will come on the Day of Judgment and reminds us of the importance of prostration to Allah SWT. The Holy Prophet PBUH frequently recited this Surah and it is highly recommended to recite it regularly. Its recitation can bring blessings, healing, and protection to the reader. May Allah SWT grant us the ability to recite and understand the Quran and may it be a means of guidance and mercy for all of us.

السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

May Allah help us all. Remember me and the entire Muslim Ummah in your Duas.
Allah' slave.

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