Chapter 40-What Goes Around Comes Around

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"How is this possible? You died!" Ren Wuji exclaimed.

"How can I die when you scums are still alive?" Xiu Xiang shot back.

"You-!" Ren Wuji looked like he was ready tear her apart with his bare hands. The only reason why he hadn't pounced on her was because Song Yi Yan was cradled in his embrace. The way he glared at her made it seem as if they were the victims and she was the perpetrator.

For a moment, Xiu Xiang thought Ren Wuji would toss Song Yi Yan aside so that he could cut into her. It didn't happen as Liu Li suddenly grabbed him firmly by the shoulder.

"Senior Brother, I will deal with her. You should probably take a look at Senior Sister's wounds first." With that said Liu Li stepped forward with her sword in tow.

This came as surprise to Xiu Xiang. She didn't think Liu Li would be the one to come forward to take care of her. Truth be told, she didn't have good feelings for this disciple sister but neither did she have bad feelings either. Since Liu Li decided to side with Ren Wuji and Song Yi Yan, Xiu Xiang had no choice but to fight with her.

"Junior Sister, give up and I'll make sure that your life is spared," Liu Li threatened.

"I'm not your junior sister."

Liu Li's face was indifferent as she looked at her.

"Then I have no choice but to kill you for harming a disciple of the Tian Ling Sect," Liu Li said dully.

Xiu Xiang had the sense to laugh at her hypocritical actions. What was she acting so righteous for? When she was still part of Tian Ling Sect, Liu Li had hunted her down with Wang Yue's group when Xiu Xiang was weak and unable to fend for herself. Where was her self righteous self then?

"Why should I die by you guys a second time?" Xiu Xiang hissed. She cracked the whip in her hand. The steel whip snapped forward like a slithering snake. It was inches away from breaking Liu Li's skin when it was quickly deflected by Liu Li's sword.

"Spiritual energy?" Liu Li thought out loud. "You're no longer a demon?"

"What of it?" Xiu Xiang charged forward with the whip in tow. Multiple attacks were exchanged between the two of them. It wasn't long until Xiu Xiang felt herself on the losing end. She never thought that Liu Li would be this strong. If only she hadn't been injured.

Liu Li finally managed to disarm her and brought Xiu Xiang down to her knees. Xiu Xiang glared at Liu Li who had her sword pinned against her neck.

"I'm sorry. I have no choice," Liu Li told her. Her hand moved and the sword pierced her skin. Before it could dig any deeper, a dangerous growl sounded from behind them. Sensing a strong demonic aura, Liu Li pulled away from Xiu Xiang to guard her back. Out from the shadows of the forest, Wang Yue jumped out.

"Xiu Xiang...!" he roared. There were multiple lacerations on his body and other heavy injuries that was enough to put down a human being. He looked less and less human. His bloodshot eyes darted all over until it landed on Xiu Xiang.

"Senior Wang?" Liu Li questioned. She was given no answer by Wang Yue. Instead, he charged at her with his outstretched claws. His claws impacted with Liu Li's sword. Her sharp blade didn't even pierce his skin. He yanked at the blade and easily broke it in half. Liu Li could only look on in shock before she was thrown harshly aside by Wang Yue. Her body flew smashed into the rock wall with a bang. The wall behind her cracked and crumbled as she slid down to the ground bleeding heavily.

If Xiu Xiang thought Liu Li and Ren Wuji was a problem, she was completely wrong. She didn't know exactly what Wang Yue wanted from her. Since he had followed her all the way up here, it probably wasn't anything good.

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