Chapter 21-Taking over as Demon King

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A few months later, Xiu Xiang finally recovered from her injuries. She learned that after she got blown up, Hua Jian fought with Wei Xing and escaped through a portal into the demon realm. The Night palace she was currently living in was extremely lavish and beautiful compared to outside. She could understand why demons chose to escape to the human realm. The demon realm was dark and dreary. There wasn't a single live plant as the surrounding area mostly consisted of rocky mountains. Xiu Xiang suspected that most of the stuff in the palace had been acquired through the human realm. She looked at her beautiful purple dress and then at the golden shackles on her wrist.

She couldn't help but think about Wei Xing.

"How was he? Did you hurt him?" Xiu Xiang asked.

"How could I? Do you know how strong that man was? If it was for His Highness's restraints, do you think you would have survived his attack?" Hua Jian asked back.

That was true. Still, Xiu Xiang couldn't believe that Wei Xing had gone after her with the intent to kill. She knew that they were going to end up as enemies sooner or later, but she really thought that he wouldn't go that far. After all, he had been kind to her back at Tian Ling Sect.

Then she remembered that she had lied about who she was, so it was only natural that he fought her with the intent to kill. She did steal one of the five keys and offended one of the Peak Masters.

Sigh... I really do not want him to be my enemy...

"Why don't you focus less on men and more on the task at hand?" Hua Jian asked as he smacked her head with a rolled up bamboo scroll.

Xiu Xiang pursed her lips as she eyed the pile of paperwork in front of her.

There was one thing she hadn't expected. She didn't realize there would be so much paperwork to deal with as the newfound leader of the Demon Clan.

"What is all this? Do I really have to go through all these documents?" Xiu Xiang asked.

"Of course. You need to know the terrain of the demon clan's territory along with the region leaders. After that, you need to deal with the harem left behind by his highness. Then you need to look at the construction documents for the civilians of the demon clan. Then you need to...!"

"Alright! Alright! I get it. With great powers comes great responsibility," Xiu Xiang groaned. She never thought that one day she would end up quoting a superhero. Grabbing one of the scrolls, she started to read through it only to doubt herself.

"Hua Jian ah... do you think the Demon Clan will help me get back Master's other soul?" Xiu Xiang asked.

"Of course. Once you've proven your strength to them," Hua Jian replied. Xiu Xiang groaned as she gently placed her chin on the tabletop. Being the Demoness wasn't fun and games like she had thought. She planned to bring back the Demon King so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of this.

Once she gave all the documents a thorough look over, she went to get ready for the banquet held in her honor for the demon elders in the main hall for a grand introduction of herself and her plan to save the Demon King, but of course, it was easier said than done. Not a single one showed up to the banquet.

"Where is everyone?" Xiu Xiang asked feeling quite peeved. A lowly demon servant dropped to his knees and lowered his head as he replied, "Greetings, Demoness. Many of the elders sent letters saying that they are unable to attend your banquet."

"I see. Hua Jian, make a list of all of the people who didn't attend the banquet. I'll pay them a personal visit and introduce myself," Xiu Xiang said. She couldn't care less about taking on the Demon King's role but for no one to attend even when the main topic of the banquet was to save their King, she felt very pissed off. "Seems like after all these years, the elders had forgotten who their king is."

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