Chapter 34-The End?

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When she tried to recall her most recent memories, a sharp pain emitted in her mind, forcing her to stop. She glared at the man before her. He wasn't jumbling her memories around, he was clearly trying to wipe away all her memories. Unable to take the pain, she closed her eyes. Her memories were growing faint, Xiu Xiang suddenly wasn't sure why she was there anymore. It was as if her memories were slowly regressing. One by one, memories melted away before her like snow under the hot sun.

"Let her go!" she heard someone shouted in the distance. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal a handsome man in white charge towards them. His valiant figure in the air was dazzling and for a moment, Xiu Xiang breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Wei Xing..."

The finger on her forehead had long been released, however, the pain continued. The memories disappeared faster and faster. Fearing the worst, she repeated over and over, "Kill the man in purple. Save the man in white."

She no longer knew who the two people in front of her were as she watched the intense fight before her, one in white the other in purple. Fear crept up inside her as she struggled in place. It was as if she had been thrown into an endless nightmare.

"You can't win. I've already absorbed the Demon King's soul and erased the memories of the Demoness!" Feng Yue laughed.

Xiu Xiang frowned at the scene before her. She wondered why they look so familiar. She couldn't place a name for either of them, yet she felt she should know them. She was constantly repeating 'Kill the man in purple. Save the man in white'. As she repeated this mantra, she wondered how she was even supposed to do that when she was so weak and tied up. Just then, she heard a mournful whistle. What followed after was an enchanting voice.

"Do you require assistance?"

Her eyes darted around. Where was the voice coming from?

She couldn't pinpoint the location until she realized that the voice was coming from inside of her.

"I've been hiding inside of you ever since you first entered the illusion mist..."

Illusion mist?

A dim memory of her rushing through a misty forest only to stop because of a sad whistling melody.

"Who are you?" Xiu Xiang asked.

There was silence for a moment and then the voice spoke again.

"I can help you but whatever comes after depends on your luck..."

"I'll take my chances. Help me!" Xiu Xiang shouted. She could no longer recognize Wei Xing but seeing him spit out a mouthful of blood scared her enough to ask for help.

A brilliant white light seeped out from within her, quickly forming into a blurry figure of a man. His body wasn't complete as if he was simply nothing more than a projection. With a wave of his white sleeves, the vines that held her in place shriveled up until there was nothing left. She tumbled to the ground before the powerful man's feet. He didn't say anything and turned his attention on the man in purple.

The two men who had been fighting in the distance noticed his dangerous presence and stopped fighting at once.

"Great Grandmaster...?" Those words had just been spoken by Wei Xing when the mysterious translucent man in white charged at Feng Yue. He disappeared inside of Feng Yue and all was still until Feng Yue let out an agonizing cry. Dark energy seeped out from his body, filling up the cave. Blood poured from every orifice on Feng Yue's face. He looked like he was being destroyed from deep within.

"What are you doing to me...?!" Feng Yue snarled. His hands clutched at his chest. He bent over, blood spilling out of his mouth. More and more dark energy escaped from his body, spiraling harshly around the cave.

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