Chapter Ten

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Authors Note:
Hi guys! Thankyou all so much for your patience and sticking with me and still giving this story lots of love! Enjoy the new update! I hope all is well ❤️ - Holly


2 month. 2 whole months Charles Maxwell has had the absolute blessing of having Jasper in his life. The moment he picked this tiny boy up in his arms after Jasper mouthed "My Charlie" in his sleep haze, Charles could have dropped into one knee then and there and proposed to him.
He was absolutely smitten and couldn't be more in love if he tried. He knows to any logical person it would sound crazy to be professing love after only knowing for someone such a short amount of time, but Charles knew deep down, he fell in love the moment he laid eyes on Jasper.
And my God this boy was tempting every bit of self control he could muster not to make sweet love to him and have him crying out his name in ecstasy!

Charles chuckled to himself at the memory of the first time Jasper worked up the nerve to kiss Charles. It was two weeks into Jasper living with Charles and they were both sitting on the couch one evening after Charles had worked a full day on the farm. Even though Charles muscles were begging for a break, all Charles wanted to do was pamper Jasper with affection. So while watching the news that evening, Charles positioned Jasper so he could reach around and gently massage Jaspers neck and shoulders. It almost came as second nature to Charles now, all he wanted to do was have his hands on him, and Jasper definitely didn't mind it!
As Charles gently massages the knots out of Jaspers neck, Jasper every so gently and quietly turned his face towards Charles. He looked like a deer in headlights. Glancing from Charles' eyes to his lips. Charles cock sprung to life the second he realised what Jasper was thinking and he scolded his own bodies reaction. He knew that this was important to Jasper, so Charles day still and waited for Jasper to make his move.
Jasper reached a dainty lithe hand up and stroked Charles's stubble along his jawline, reeling a finger over those firm but incredibly soft lips. Charles could swear he heard a whimper out of Jasper, but before he could respond, Charles felt the feather light touch of Jaspers lips dancing across his own.. Charles was euphoric.
That featherlight brush of lips, has slowly turned into heavy passionate lip locks every moment they see each other. Charles wasn't sure about Jasper, but he knows every time that he's even in the presence of Jasper, his cock turns hard as steel and he can't help but want to rut up against the boy and mark him as his own.

Charles scolded himself for once again getting trapped in his own head! It was a very hot day and the sun was beating down on him. His jeans hung low on his abdomen and he had long ago discarded of his shirt, proving pointless in this heat. Now not only was Charles fixing a hole in his fence where a couple of head of cattle had escaped from, now he was dripping with sweat in the 40•C sun, and sporting a raging hard on. Cold shower it is.

Back at Charles house Jasper had just finished putting the roast beef into the oven. He had spent the last several weeks talking to Mary about relationships and the physical aspect that comes with it. Jasper has never been in a relationship. He had never received affection from anyone. He wasn't one to enjoy movies or tv shows, and the only romance he had ever experienced was what he read in his old novels.

Due to his lack of security and family, he never had the "birds and the bees" talk with anyone, so he didn't know these feelings. He didn't know why there was the heat in the centre of his stomach every time he looked at Charles. He didn't know why his pants grew tight every time he could feel Charles body in close proximity. He didn't understand these feelings.. he didn't know who else to talk to about it, so Mary, unashamedly talk Jasper under her wing and told him about the basis of the anatomy of a man and how attraction works. She herself had no idea how Male X Male physical relations worked, but she said that's a conversation Jasper needed to have with Charles.
So that is why Jasper has been dutifully preparing a beautiful roast dinner ready for when Charles walked in the door.

When Charles got out of his truck later that afternoon. His hair was wild, sticking up in all sorts of directions, he was dripping in sweat, his shirt had long been gone, and his jeans were still riding low on his hips. But the second the aroma of the beef wafted into his nose, Charles stilled and all of his exhaustion washed away. His stomach growled loudly, forcing him to quicken his stride as he approached the kitchen.

Jasper was setting the table. Beautiful candles were lit, a hand picked bunch of flowers sat atop the dining table, along with a beautifully cooked roast beef and all the trimmings. But that wasn't what had Charles' attention. No. It was the delectable man ringing his fingers and shuffling on his feet. Jasper stood there bright eyed, with beautifully blushed cheeks as he explained to Charles that he wanted to spoil "His Charlie".

Charles couldn't help the grin that spread across his face and in two steps, Charles swooped in, grabbed the back of Jaspers neck and brought their lips together in a searing and passionate kiss. This one was different though. This was a kiss that was more intense. As their lips moved against one another's, Jasper reached his arms up around Charles head, fingering the hairs at the nape of Charles' neck.
While Charles hands moved lower  down Jaspers back and pulled him even closer. He wanted Jasper to feel the effect he had on him.
This kiss was different. This kiss was a promise of what that night was going to have in store.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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