Chapter Five

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Authors Note:
Hi Everyone!
Thankyou so much for all of your comments and votes on my story! I apologise sincerely for the lack of updates lately, I've had a lot going on in my personal life, which has made me put the story on the back burner.
I'm updating now, and hopefully I'll be able to post more frequently soon. Thankyou again!
I have included a Picture up the top, on what I picture Jasper to look like.
So Enjoy!

Chapter Five

The day started like any other for Charles.. He woke up before the sun had been up for the day, and proceeded his daily chores on the farm and in the house. Filling up an extra large mug of steaming black coffee aswell.
He couldn't sleep properly, his mind was on the day ahead and what Mary had to discuss with him.

Though he would never admit it to anyone, he was actually nervous. Charles hated the unsettled feeling in his stomach.. But, Charles put it to the back of his mind, and proceeded with his chores.

It wasn't until the sound of a ute engine brought Charles out of his sweat inducing chores and farm work. He turned towards the noise, and scratched his head in confusion, at seeing Jim's car heading up to the house on his property.

Jim parked his Hilux and jumped out with a big smile stretched across his face. Charles cautiously walked towards Jim, careful choosin his words when asking Jim why he was so happy..

"Hey old mate, what can I do for you today?"

Charles thought those were safe words, but Jim's response had him scratching his head.

"Oh, my boy! You forgot didn't you?"

Jim could only laugh out loud at the confusion sketched across Charles' face. It doesn't surprise him that Charles forgot about the dinner. Hence the reason he came over to remind him.

"Mary is cooking tonight remember buddy, I knew you would need a reminder, so here I am! If you want to get washed up, I don't mind finishing up here, while you go get clean?"

Understanding passed Charles' features as he realised he did completely forget about the dinner tonight. And as soon as the thought was back in his head, the unsettling feeling returned to his stomach.
Charles agreed with Jim, to go get washed up.

It was less then an hour later when the two men, were parked in front of Jim's house.
Charles was wearing his favourite boots, a pair of dark washed denim jeans, and a button up short sleeve shirt, and Ofcourse his cowboy hat. Jim wearing something very similar, except a red shirt. Jim turned to Charles and proceeded to put Charles's nerves on high alert.

"Now, you know how my Mary is. I want you to go in there for me boy and just keep an open mind. I'm not trying to make you nervous, but just be cautious okay my boy?"

Inside the house, Jasper was having a very sensitive day. He had a lot of triggers throughout the day, and he just felt on edge, he was currently getting himself washed up and ready for dinner, when he heard Mary greet people from the living area. He took a deep breath after drying his face and tried to control the shaking of his body.

Charles was inside, he discreetly looked around the living room for anything out of place, and he couldn't see anything or of the ordinary.
He was on edge, and nervous. But Charles never gets nervous, so this is a foreign feeling, and he did not like it one bit.
Just when Charles was about to take a seat and curse himself mentally for being so silly, he sees the most gorgeous young man he had ever laid his eyes on, exit the bathroom.

Jasper was exiting the bathroom when he was struggling to juggle the door with his walker. He looked up to the living area, and froze every move he was doing, and looked into the piercing eyes of the most handsome, rugged stranger he had ever seen. He slowly took in this strangers appearance, from the bulging muscles in his arms, to the tree trunk thighs being adorned by denim. Jasper turned a shade of red brighter then a fire truck, when he realised just what he was doing.
Embarrassed, Jasper frantically looked around for any sign of Mary, but little did he know that Mary and Jim were in the kitchen giggling about their antics.

Jasper was the first to speak.

"I'-I-I-m-mm-m s-ssss-o-o s-o-Oorr-r-ry-y"

Charles, took a sharp intake of breath after hearing the boy speak. It was so soft, and heavenly. It was angelic. Charles took gentle steps towards the frightened teenager, and with a kindness and gentleness he didn't know he possessed, he leant down and rested his hands on his knees.
"It's okay, my Angel, don't ever apologise to me.. Would you like some help to come sit down?"

Jasper was stunned at how that deep baritone of the voice of this man, could have such a calming effect on him. Jasper could only blush deeper, and give a timid nod of his head in response.

Seeing the blush on the boys cheeks made Charles beam a glowing bright smile, a smile he didn't even know he could produce. He proceeded to gently lift up the horrible quality walker that looked like it was on Its last few days before it collapses all together.. He gently was able to guide Jasper to the couch, where he made sure to sit within breathing distance to the boy.

Charles got the vibe from the beginning that he had to be cautious and careful with how he goes about things.. So Charles, spoke in that same gentle caressing tone.
"My name is Charles Maxwell, and what might your name be My Angel?"

Jasper could swear he could catch on fire with how hot his cheeks were getting. From sitting this close to such a stunning human being, but then for the handsome man to call him "My Angel" was nothing short of a dream.

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