Chapter Six

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Authors Note:

Hi guys!

I am so overwhelmed with the response this book has gotten! Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!! It makes me so proud that something I am passionate in, can bring other people joy. Thankyou again guys, and please enjoy the next Chapter!


Charles felt like he had won the lottery. He couldn't get his mind around the fact that this angelic human was sitting mere centimetres from him! He had so many thoughts and questions running through his mind. "Who is he?" "What connection does he have to Mary?" "What if he doesn't like me?!". Little did Charles know though, Jasper had very similar questions running through his own head.

Meanwhile, Mary and Jim were hiding in the kitchen like little school children giggling. But deep down, they were both swelling with pride, and the gleam was so obvious in their eyes, they both knew they had introduced two souls that desperately needed eachother.

Mary was the first to make a move, deciding it was time to go "introduce" the two.
"Oh boys! Sorry I took a while, Jim made a mess in the kitchen! I see you have both met eachother, Charles, this darling boy is Jasper, I met him at work, and Jasper Darling, this is our boy Charles, we have known him since he was a little tike".
Mary watched as Charles gently grasped onto Jasper's pale, dainty, little hand and brought it to his lips and caressed it with a gentle kiss. Charles looked at Jasper in the eyes and said "it's a pleasure to meet you, Mi Amore"

That beautiful shade of red overtook Jasper's cheeks as he felt the caress of Charles' lips across his hand, and he felt like he could melt into a puddle where he sat. Jasper tried to come up with a response, but the longer he took to form the words, the more panicked he became that Charles would think he was a freak. He felt the tell tale signs of a panic attack make its way through his system, and within seconds, he was hyperventilating, grasping for breath as he get his throat tighten. His whole body started convulsing and within seconds he had lost consciousness.

Charles was utterly shocked, when he saw Jasper start to panic, he thought it was his fault. He went too fast! He shouldn't of put Jasper in such an uncomfortable position. While Charles was over thinking things in his head, it wasn't until Jim shouted his name did he realise how serious the situation was. He looked at Jasper, who's body had started convulsing, and Charles didn't contemplate for one second before he picked the fragile tiny body up and held him in his arms. As Jaspers body continued to seize, Charles whispered over and over into Jasper's ear
"il suo bene il mio amore"
(It's okay my love)
It wasn't until the convulsions and spasms of Jaspers muscles slowed down to a stop, did Charles take a breath of relief. He looked around and realised Mary and Jim, had stepped out of the room to give the two privacy, and had laid a blanket over the two bodies.
Charles adjusted his positioning on the lounge, and freed one of his hands, to wipe his face. It wasn't until his fingers came into contact with his face until he realised that he had tears streaming down his eyes. This alone had Charles flinching.
Charles never cried. He had learnt over the years to put on a very tough facade, and this beautiful Angel in his arms he broken that barrier within minutes. Jasper looked at the pale body laying on his chest, and he couldn't help the gentle smile that graced his face, as he used his fingertips to gently run them across Jaspers features. From the beautiful eyes, to the soft, pale, cold cheeks, and to the red, plump lips. Charles couldn't help but want to know what it would feel like to kiss those lips, and he couldn't help but shiver at the thought of it.
Charles leant his head down and kissed the top of Jaspers head, and pulled the blanket up to cover them more completely.

Charles started to drift off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming of the beautiful Angel sleeping on his chest.

The last thought that crossed his mind before sleep took over was how complete he felt with this man in his arms.

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