Chapter Seven

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Authors Note:

Hi Guys!
Thankyou so much again for all the votes and comments, I read every single one of them, and I appreciate them so much.. I have had so much go on over the past few months, that I have rarely had the chance to think, let alone update, and I apologise! Please enjoy Chapter Seven! Xx

- Holly

Warmth. A completely calming warmth was the first thing Jasper noticed when he seemed to come to. Jasper hadn't opened his eyes yet, so he was still trying to rack his mind as to what could be providing this incredible feeling.

*thump thump* The second thing Jasper noticed, was the soothing *thump thump*  against his ear where he lay. It was a sound Jasper had never heard close up before, so he was having a very difficult time placing that noise. Either way, he didn't want it to end, in fact it was a noise he could very easily fall asleep to every night.

Breathing. The soft caress of someone's breathing just above his head, was the third thing Jasper noticed.. Aside from the *thump thump* Jaspers surroundings was deadly quiet. And normally being this claps to a human, close enough to be sharing a breath, would usually make Jasper panic, this time, something inside Jasper told him this was okay.

Touch. This was the final thing noticed by Jasper. The touch and caressing of a thick, warm, calloused hand on his bare, skin of his hip and lower back where his shirt rode up. This touch, automatically had Jaspers eyes opening right up to check his surroundings.

He then realised his position. He was completely sprawled out, laying ONTOP of the most handsome, rugged, good looking, man Jasper had ever seen. It was then, that The events of the day came rushing back through Jaspers mind, and he had never felt so embarrassed before! He had one of his seizures in front of this magnificent man!

While Jasper was lost in his thoughts, he didn't realise the man beneath him, had awoken, and was studying every inch of Jaspers facial features, and loving the way that his beautiful angel was blushing so prettily. Charles couldn't help but reach a hand up and caress it across Jaspers cheek, and not only did that have Jasper snapping out of his self ridiculing thoughts, it had him freezing completely, and slowly turning his head towards the man beneath him.

Charles made eye contact with Jasper, and watched his cheeks turn an even darker shade of red, then Charles even thought possible. Charles couldn't help but reach his head up, and place a gentle, chaste kiss onto Jaspers cheek, and whispered the words to Jasper, like he was reading the younger boys mind.
"Don't ever worry about getting embarrassed with me, my love, I want to learn everything about you, what you may think are your flaws, I think they a re just extra parts of you that make you special in my eyes sweetheart. Now I'm going to get up, I will bring you into the kitchen, and you can tell me about you at your own pace okay my love?"

Jasper could only blink in shock, that this man, and his words could have such a huge effect on Jasper. Jasper responded to Charles with a nod of his head, and Charles then was blown away, by being blessed with the uplifting of both sides of Jaspers lips, pulled into a little smile. Charles could of sworn Jasper couldn't be more perfect if he tried.

Jasper watched as Charles produced a magnificent megawatt smile, all because Jasper gave him a little reaction. It was then in Jaspers mind, he decided, he would do anything, to see the handsome Charles smile like that every day..

So just like Charles said, the two got seated in the kitchen, Charles fussed around Jasper, making sure he was comfortable, that he felt okay, that he had enough to drink, that he had enough food, that he was happy.

Most People would get annoyed with the constant fussing, but not Jasper, jasper couldn't help, but reach over the table and place his dainty, pale, thin hand over The top of Charles' rough, warm hand and said his first words since his seizure.

"I'm-m-m   o-k-K-a-a-ay   Ch-Charlie. I-i-i-i     P-r-r-omiss-S-se".
Not only did Jasper grant Charles with his angelic voice, jasper then shocked Charles further, by ending his sentence with a GIGGLE. HE GIGGLED!!

Before Charles had time to even think about what he was doing, he emerged from his seat, took one stride to be infront of  Jasper, got in his knees infront of Jaspers seat and said

"I don't know what's happening. I feel like I want to protect you from the world, I feel like I don't ever want to let you out of my arms, I want to constantly be able to feel your precious self in my arms, and I've never felt this way before. I think you were brought to me for a reason sweetheart, so I'm going to ask you love, would you like to come to my farm this afternoon, and if you like it, would you like to stay with me?"

Jasper, shocked AGAIN, by the words of Charles , could not agree more with what Charles said. He too, felt like they were brought together for a reason, and he felt a longing in his chest, if he pictures a future without Charles in it. So without any second thought. Jasper said a sentence that had tears forming in Charles' eyes.

"I would love to Charlie"

His first stutter free sentence in over 7 years, aside from the one sentence he gave Mary in the diner, and both men, hoped, it could be the start of something beautiful.

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