Chapter 18

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I was currently sitting in the corner of the ballroom, observing the crowd while sipping on some sort of cocktail.

Jared had left me alone to go talk with potential business partners while the others were off somewhere drinking or dancing. These types of events weren't usually my scene so of course I was keeping a low profile and staying hidden in the back. 

My eyes wondered around the room but stalled when they hit the bar.

Sitting on a bar stool, wearing a light blue dress that reached the ankles, was a woman sipping a martini. 

The thing that made her stand out was her dark red hair and pale skin. She looked exactly like Liza, almost an exact copy. 

Could she be Beth?

There were many possibilities that my assumption could be correct. Red hair that was exactly like Liza's, same colored skin, and same figure! There was no way that could be some random woman. It had to be Beth. Liza's mother! 

And while everyone was busy having fun and mingling, I had found crazy Beth. 

She looked mean and menacing as she silently drank her drink alone at the bar, casually looking out to the crowd from time to time. 

This was my chance.

Finishing my drink, I stood up and quietly made my way towards her. Once I had reached a close distance, I stopped and spoke up.

"You must be Beth."

The look the woman gave me was not what I was expecting. Her glance was rude and dirty. She scoffed and fully turned around to face me. 

"How dare you," she spat in a strong French accent. 

Her response startled me, making me take a step back. "Excuse me?"

She hopped off her seat and threw me a glare. "You come here and have the audacity to call me the name of the woman who had an affair with my husband! Who the hell do you think you are!"

Well this is not going the way I planned it to.

"Oh, I apologize. It's just that you look exactly like Liza and I thought-"

"Shut up! Not another word." She held up a finger to silence me. "Are you one of Roberts secretaries?"

"I'm not-"

"Never mind. I don't care who you are. Just learn to keep your mouth shut."

"Ma'am, I'm very sorry to-"

She help her hand up to silence me. "I said to shut your mouth. You don't have the right to come and disrespect me like this."


I heard Jared call my name from behind and let out a sigh of relief when I spotted him walking towards us. 

The woman beside me huffed and shot daggers at me with her eyes.

Jared came up to us and threw me a questioning glare. 

"Jared, I need you to tell Robert to keep his secretaries mouth shut. I can't have my respected name being tarnished like this!" the woman remarked in anger. 

Jared was obviously confused. "What are you talking about?"

She pointed at me with a disrespectful gesture. 

"This woman!" she seethed in a low voice. "She called me Beth!"

When Jared heard her response, he immediately glanced my way with fury visible in his eyes.

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