Chapter 36

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Two hours into the graduation party and I was already bored. Jared's uncle, our high schools Headmaster, was hosting the party and had invited all the elite members who had affiliations with the school.

There were more people that I didn't know than the ones I did. Tim and I were sitting in the corner drinking punch while the other people mingled and laughed with each other. 

"I thought this would be more fun to be honest," Tim stated from beside me. 

I nodded my head and took a sip of my drink. "Agreed. Who are all these people?"

"This looks more like a business convention than a grad party."

"You know how these things go. It's all about making connections more than actually celebrating."

"I guess. What about Jared? Where is he?" Tim asked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "He was in a bad mood after the ceremony. He ran into his cousin and his ex-fling and didn't want to talk to me. He dropped me off at the penthouse and disappeared after. We were supposed to have lunch with his family but he suddenly didn't want to go. And we were supposed to come here together but he never showed up."

Tim raised a brow and took a sip of his drink. "Jared had an ex-fling? Who?"

I shook my head. "Her name is Blair Anniston or something. Apparently, she went after him while they were at Cambridge. We don't know what she's doing here."

"Blair Anniston? I've never heard of her. What type of family is she from?" he curiously asked.

I gave him a questionable look and rolled my eyes. "How on earth am I supposed to know! Jared pulled me away before I could even introduce myself."

Tim nodded his head and smirked. "That's interesting. Something must have happened between them for him to act that way."

I sighed and stood up. "I don't care. I just want this all to be over."

Tim stood up as well and buttoned his blazer. "Right. Also, what's the plan for your escape? Have you changed your mind?"

"Jared said the wedding is going to be in 4 weeks. I've decided I'm going to leave before then."

"Okay, okay. We can do that. I'll do some research and try to see how we can secretly buy you a plane ticket without Jared finding out. I'll ask around. But I do have a question."

I turned around to face him with a serious look. "What is it?"

"Do you really think its best to lead Jared on? I mean you're just going to disappear while he's out here planning a wedding. If you leave, won't that ruin his reputation?"

I hadn't really thought that far ahead. It's only been two days since he told me so I haven't found time to plan.

"I don't care about his reputation. He's running a multi-billion dollar company. He's not going to lose anything if I leave."

"But he'll lose face within the industry."

I gave him a skeptical look. "Whose side are you exactly on Tim?"

He looked flustered by my question. 

"Julia, I'm obviously on your side. I'm just saying that maybe you need to think a little more about your decision. I mean Jared's helping your parents by paying off their debts. He's doing a lot for you and maybe you should take that into consideration before you humiliate him in front of everyone."

I grumbled but didn't say anything. I turned away from him and looked out towards the crowd. 

"Think a little more about it Julia."

Reckless LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora