Chapter 3

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"How was you day at school?" Linda said as I entered the kitchen.

I muttered a "fine" as I rummaged the fridge for food. 

"That's good to hear. I also have some good news for you."

Grabbing a yogurt cup, I closed the fridge and nodded at her, giving her the indication that I was listening. 

"Your parents are coming home tomorrow night. They negotiated a deal with the investors so they'll be able to come home," she said with a happy smile.

"I love how you know more about their schedule than me. Maybe they should adopt you as their daughter since they can't bother to tell me anything."

"Oh Julie, you're so cute. Don't be jealous, they're cutting their trip short just for you. Be happy they at least make time to see you. My parents never made time to see me, and look where I am now."

"Taking care of a rich brat that gets mad at everything?"

"No, I'm taking care of a lovely girl with a bright mind," she said, patting my back.

"Whatever you say Linda," I said while leaving the kitchen.

I went to my room to freshen up and start some homework, making sure I would be done before dinner started. 


After seven hours of grueling work, I stretched my arms and made my way downstairs for dinner. 

"Linda, is dinner ready yet?" I shouted as I descended down the stairs. 

No answer.


Complete silence. 

Something was definitely wrong. 

Worried something may be wrong, I ran into the dining room to find five people sitting and eating, with Linda serving them food.

"Juliana, sweetheart! There you are! We were just going to ask Linda to call you down."

"Dad?" I asked puzzled. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget I live here?"

Laughing to myself, I gave him a smile. "Uh no, it's just that I thought you were coming home tomorrow night."

"Well we were but your fathers best friend was only going to be in town tonight so we used the private jet to get here," my mother chimed in, a fake smile present on her face.

And then it clicked. 

There were other people in the room. 

Examining the guests, I was shocked to see Jared to be one of them.

"Why are they here?" I asked rudely, mad that the jerk had found a way to get into the house.

"Julie, control yourself. That is no way to talk when surrounded by guests," my mother reprimanded. 

"Well I just lost my appetite. You guys enjoy your meal."

Just when I was about to leave, I was pulled back by my mother.

"We are all going to sit here like a happy family and you will behave yourself," she whispered harshly into my ear.

Shoving her lightly, I made my way to the table and sat next to my dad. 

We all started eating in silence when out of nowhere, one of the guests started a conversation. 

"Your hair is really nice," a girl said, twirling her short red hair with her hands. 

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