Chapter 10

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By the time we were done exploring the house, it was noon and Liza had come home from school. To not waste any more time, Jared and I started on the calc project that was due next week while Liza did her homework in the living room. 

"It's almost dinner. What are we going to eat?" Liza asked as she entered Jared study.

"You decide," was all Jared said, never once looking up from his computer screen.

Liza huffed and then asked me. "How about pizza?"

Liza cheerfully clapped her hands and went to order the pizza.

Once she was out of ear shot, I started a conversation with Jared. "You should be more nicer to your sister."


"Jared, did you hear what I said?" I asked, irritated.



He finally looked up from his screen. "What do you want?"

"I said be nicer to your sister!"

"I heard you the first time," he muttered, looking back at this screen.

"Well you didn't answer me the first time."

"I did. I said 'hmm'."

"That's not an answer!" I exclaimed in frustration. "I'm being serious."

He then shut his computer and gave me a glare. "Listen Julia, stay out of my family affairs. When it comes to my mother and sister, I don't want you asking questions. That is none of your business."

With that, he stood up and left towards the kitchen.

"He expects me to marry him while not not telling me anything about his family. What a jerk!"

Sighing, I shut my books and followed suit. 

The pizza Liza ordered arrived. After setting up the dining room, Liza and I sat down as Jared carried in the food.

"This smells delicious," Liza moaned as she quickly took a slice and took a bite.

Jared and I did the same as we sat down and watched Quentin Tarantino's movie, Kill Bill. 

"So why weren't you at school today?" Liza causally asked me as she poured herself a drink. 

I shrugged. "I was at school. I just left early."

"Really? Tim said he called you multiple time but you never answered. He said he didn't see you during third period," Liza questioned.

"Tim talked to you?" I asked surprised.

Liza blushed and looked down. "Yeah, I went to your table to eat with you but you weren't there. Then Tim invited me to eat with him so I did."

I held in a chuckle and gave her a smile.

"She was busy during third period," Jared interjected with a chuckle.

I kicked his shin under the table. 

He silently yelped and then gave me glare. "What was that for?" he muttered at me. 

"What was what for?" Liza asked.

"I wasn't talking to you Liza!" Jared said in annoyance.

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes at her brother. "So Liza, how was your day Julia?"

I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked towards Liza. "It was...hectic I guess."

"Tell me all the details."

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