chapter 30

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1 month later

Mia's pov

A month has already passed and he still hasn't woken up but when I ask the doctors they would just say to wait and that he will wake up from it himself. as days passed I got worse now the nightmare are more frequent but this time at full throttle. I cant sleep properly and I have to pretend that everything is fine while its not. I cant eat well to since I get sick so often that I have lost my appetite. Linda has noticed that I was being sick lately and lost weight but I brushed off her concern saying that just the stress getting to me and I would be fine. But i was far from fine in  situation.I missed him so much and it was killing me but in an odd sense I felt so guilty that it was eating me up.

I felt guilt that it was all my fault he was in that death bed,If he didn't feel the urge to prove to me his love then It would have been me taking that bullet not him but I knew he did that to protect his son  and I love him for that.

For the passed month I would go myself or sometimes with Jason to visit him in the hospital. he would tell his dad about his day and how it went. If i came by myself i would cry and talk to him tell him everyday how I loved him so much.

Today I woke as the usual dragged myself out of bed then got ready and helped Jason got ready since we were going to the hospital again. I made him breakfast but I went on ahead to have some yogurt since I wasn't that hungry and still felt a little sick.

We arrived at the hospital and went straight to his room. Jason ran to jump into his bed and get on with talking to which I just sat there and listen while he talked to his dad.

I sat there but in time I started to feel very nauseous so I told Jason I was going to the toilet and would be back. I rushed to the washroom and vomited the contents into the toilet. Since I haven't been eating much I didn't vomit that much. I guess me getting sick is getting worse and I should listen to Linda and see a doctor.

I cleaned myself up then headed back to Octavius' room but before I could hear someone talking actually two male voices but one particularly caught my attention since I knew it belonged to him.  it was him and was awake!

I went in and there was the doctor examining him with a nurse, Jason was still seated beside him on the clearly not wanting to leave his side at all. he looked at me then smiled , but I still shocked that he was finally awake and came back to us. the tear started falling and I couldn't stop them from falling. the doctors was done examining him and we had a talk and seems he had recovered pretty well while in the coma so they would keep him for an observation and he could go home tomorrow if possible.

I went back inside and he was talking to Jason and they were laughing, I smiled as I sat down to look at them without saying anything but truly I didn't know what to say to him, maybe how are you or welcome back. I had nothing but when he was asleep I seem to have a lot to say to him everyday.

"hey buddy could you get me some water", King said to Jason who complied and left to go get him some water. we were left alone with him looking at me intently. but we still didn't say anything to each other but then I had to break this tension and silence. "hey","when was the last time you had a proper meal or actually slept". of course he would ignore my attempt to make small and jump into the interrogation. "hello to you to and am fine too by the way". he scoffed,"Mia am worried about you and this is hardly the time for your smart mouth so back to my question when was the last time you had a proper meal and don't you dare lie to me". I sighed "pasta the day before yesterday". he looked angry like someone just  woke up and the first thing I was avoiding is making him angry. "hey I will eat something proper tonight okay!". "please Mia just do that okay I dont want you starving yourself or worse getting sick". then the dam burst and I started crying again, my emotions were all over the place.

"i just cant believe your awake , I mean I have missed you so much and these past month has been hell. I had to pretend that everything was fine while it wasn't and I wasn't fine at all. I was being eaten up by the guilt and the fear of you leaving me again". I cried but then he opened his arms telling me to go to him. and thats where I want to be right now in his arms to finally believe this wasn't any of my dreams again. he hugged me but not to tight because of the wound which still hurt according to him. then kissed my head telling me he was here and wasn't going anywhere.

I think Jason realized we needed some us time since he came back later not even with the water.I just smiled at him and we got ready to go home but not before kissing him goodbye and telling him we'll come tomorrow to pick him up. 

I slept that night peacefully knowing he was back and safe. the next day since Jason was so happy that he was coming back, he was already awake and ready to go so I had to hurry up and get ready then make us breakfast then went to the hospital and luckily Ace was already there helping him get ready to leave.

I signed off his discharge paper and we left to go to his  house. I helped him inside the house to his room so he could lay down since the doctors said he needed to rest but as I was leaving he held my hands and pulled me to him on the bed then pulled me closer so that our faces were inches apart and kissed me. "dont leave just lay down with me". since i haven't been able to sleep well for this past few days I didn't protest and laid down with him and drifted into a deep peaceful sleep beside him.


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