chapter 29

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Mia's pov

I was as it all happened like it was in slow motion. As Octavius made the transaction with Leon then him letting go of our son but I knew he couldn't easily let him go. I tried finding anything that could help defend me and my son if something went wrong and luckily there was an extra gun in the car cabinet and it was loaded. I didn't know who to use these but today was a good day to find out. Then I was Jason running toward the car but didn't miss as Leon pulled out his gun and aim it at Jason. I jumped out of the car to get to him in time and shield him from the gunshot. Then it fired but as I waited for impact nothing came so I looked to see Leon smiling but with two gunshot wounds in the chest.

I let out the breath which I was holding in as I hugged Jason , happy that he was okay but he pulled back to run to his father who was knelling down facing the other side then it clicked in my mind there was three gunshot and Leon had only one and that is why he was smiling. King collapsed as he placed his arm close to chest.

He was shot right below his chest and he was losing a lot of blood. I ran to him pulled him to my lap as I pressed on to the wounds with my sweater to prevent more blood loss but he was still losing blood . I cried as I screamed from them to call an ambulance or help me since I was confused. Ace came a pulled me away as they carried him to a car to rush to the hospital. I went in with then and told Ace to take Jason back home to Linda since I didn't want him to continue seeing his dad like this.

We reached the hospital and they rushed him in for an immediate surgery to remove the bullet. I stood out of the operating room to wait for the doctors.But the operation when on for a lot time and I was so worried.

That stupid man I hate him with all my heart but that wasn't true I loved him so much that it hurt to see  him hurt right now and possibly fighting for his life. but thanks to him Leon was finally gone, But so will he if he didn't make it. I was so stupid not to realize he was going to put his life in line to save Jason and I didn't even get the time to tell him how much I love him like come on there wasn't enough time. I need more time with him and it cant end like this. I cried angrily at my self for being so selfish and self centered not realizing who much we was ready to sacrifice so I could be happy but never did he once ever telling him how much I loved him and now it seems I might never get a chance to say anything at all.

then I start to remember all the time we where together from the pain to the affection. they way he would hold me in his arms and look at me like I was the most precious thing in his life and the way he would make love to me and the kisses. I held my lips but then the doctor came out and asked "Mr king", I stood to go to the doctor.

He looked like he was about to drop the worst new on me like a boom and I wasn't ready to hear that I again lost someone important in my life again for the second time. He sighed "well I do have the good news and the bad news, where as the good news is the operation was a success  and we were able to remove the bullet and stop the bleeding but the bad news is that he lost a lot of blood and went into shock so he is in a coma right now and I dont know when he will come out of it". The news really shock me since I was about to collapse but the doctor held me to prevent me from falling to the floor. "maam are you okay!". but I just said I was okay and needed a minute to take this all in. I went back to have a seat and tear started to stream down from my eyes again.

I first thanked that he was out of danger and he was still alive but being in a coma really Brought out the guilt which was eating me up. When was he going to wake up and come back to us. I calmed myself down then went in to see him after the doctors said it was alright to do so. I went into the room and there he was with all these machines making beeping sounds knowing that they where supporting him. I sat beside him the tears not wanting to stop streaming. I held him hand telling him I want him back , to come back to us. That Jason needed hims still and so did I. I hope he was hearing me right now. I had not bathed or eaten anything so far and even when Linda came with Ace to convince me to go I still didn't want to leave him all alone but when they said Jason needed me thats when I agreed to go .

I went back to our apartment and met Jason there with one of the bodyguard who I told him to leave when I came in. I had a shower then ate. I went to his room and he was curled up crying on the bed. I climbed on the bed then pulled him to me so he could lie next to me while I hugged him. "daddy is gonna die and I would go back to be without a daddy again". I was pained as he said that but still to lift his hopes up and get rid of his sadness "no! honey daddy is a fighter and he'll be back for you in no time he just needs time to get well okay!". at least that got him to smile. we then both drifted off to sleep but mine was filled with nightmare in which all of them He died and never came back to us.


thanks for reading. 

to be continued ..............

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