chapter 15

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Octavius' pov

"gosh! king your really serious about her huh!". "yah very". "well take care of her, she's like my baby sister to me", "dont worry i will take care of her even with my love". I ended the call with Ace and went straight to look for Mia but she wasn't in our bedroom so I reckon she was in the kitchen. As i walked into the kitchen she looked lost in thought as she leaned against the kitchen counter so I went up to her and held her hoisting her onto the kitchen counter facing me as I positioned myself between her legs. I held her cheek " hey what's wrong huh! you ran out on me", "its nothing i just wanted to cook us some dinner while you were on the phone". I didn't believe what she said but choose not to press on with the questions and just go on with the flow. I kissed her but she pushed me away saying she had to cook us some dinner and I needed a shower. "but am hungry for something else you know". She blushed but my teasing attempts when down the drain when my stomach growled okay! i haven't had anything to eat  all day so I was kinda hungry i guess. she giggled "Okay big boy up you go have a shower while I make breakfast okay . then she kissed and jumped off the counter to go ahead and cook.

I went straight to our room and showered. After the shower i decided to pack for the vacation while I made some few calls to set every for the trip tomorrow then went downstairs for dinner. I had forgotten to give Mia her necklace so after she was done in the kitchen I pulled her towards our room then walked to our closet to retrieve the necklace i had bought for her. She gasped and said it was beautiful but her facial expression changed into a worried expression, "octavius it must have cost you a lot for the necklace and I told to i dont like you spending too much on me", "come on it was nothing and you should start getting used to being my girlfriend since i will shower you with gifts and attention", "I love being your girlfriend but the part about the money is was i dont approve , all i want is you love and care and nothing else okay!" as she steeped forward to hug me , " okay ", "thanks you by the way its beautiful ". she asked if i could help her place it around her neck which i did it gladly as I slowly pulled her hair to the side making sure to glaze her skin softly as I placed the necklace on her neck then placed a soft kiss on her neck.

Since we had a trip tomorrow we went directly to bed and cuddled close to each other . The next morning we were off to the airport . All the time Mia was staring with awe like a little kid staring a varieties of candy. We went inside the jet with the crew welcoming us warmly. we took our seats with Mia selecting a seat near the window saying she wanted to enjoy the view.

The plane took off , as she continued to check the view I placed my laptop and started dong some work . I knew i had promised no work during this vacation but with the financial ordeal we were walking over thin ice here. after working for sometime I looked over and realized that she had fallen asleep so I carried her to one of the cabin laying her on the bed so that she could sleep comfortably.

Mia's pov 

I woke up sleep in a comfortable bed puzzled as I remember falling asleep on the seats. I pulled myself from bed heading towards the door but it opened before i could reach for the handle. " hey your already awake, i was coming to wake you up since we'll be lading soon". he reached for my hands pulling me from the cabin to our seats then helped me with my seat belt  as we waited for the plane to land . the crew was really nice and bid us fare well and a nice vacation.

King told me we were Santorini , Greece . Wow! the place was so beautiful as i watched it from the car that king had arranged to take us from the airport to our hotel. when we arrived we checked in into our room and it was so beautiful.

i went to the balcony to check the view and it was breathtaking , king came and held me as we checked the view together it was near the ocean and it was so beautiful since the water looked so refreshing and blue. we went back inside so as we could take a shower and change so that we could start exploring  the place.

we went to different place but I like the gift shops since they were all filled with such beautiful antiques . we had lunch then headed to walk to the beach. it was so fun and refreshing but mostly King was almost smiling all the time and it was good and very rare to see him smiling all the time.the evening rolled in so we had to go back to the hotel . we ordered room service for dinner which we ate a little bit later since we busy making love to bother.

We spent the next day in bed and mostly in our room talking to each other and laughing but the rest of the day we spent in bed since he was insatiable and the sex was pretty good. In the evening we decided to have dinner outside our room so we could get some fresh air and some stretching here and there. When we were done with dinner we decided to take a walk at the beach walking hand in hand but as we were talking king hit a really touchy subject which i had been avoiding to talk about for almost all my life but I knew that one day I would have to talk about it someday and the day had come.

He must have sensed when i tensed , "hey you dont have to tell me if you dont want to okay".I pulled him to one of the beach shade and we sat down . " I know i would have to talk about it to someone eventually so why not get it done with right away huh! "

My family used to be perfect and all but after my father died things went down hill since i was the only child and it was only me and my mother against the world. later on my mother got married to one of her boyfriends . he was nice at first bit when he lost his job at a company which turn out he was stealing money from the company. That's when his real colors started to show , he started the beating me and my mom even for the slightest mistake once i had slept in late and forgot to wake him up ad make him coffee . he beat me so bad i had to go to the hospital but lied when they asked me what happened saying i had gotten into a fight. after some years my mother died i  never knew why but i was certain he had killed her but i never said a thing. when it was time to go to college he told me i couldn't since he had spend my college tuition fee in his gambling and i was so mad but he topped the icing when he lost the in gambling game and placed our house to pay his debt. I was so angry at him but i knew i couldn't  question him and even if i did i would end up beaten up even more than i was. we had to move into his sister's house and she wasn't any better . I had to start working and doing part time jobs here and there so i could earn some money hoping i could run away some day and start a new life some where far away, but  i think i hoped for too much since again he had lost but this time too pay off his debt she sold me to a trafficking syndicate . my life took a turn it wasn't very great since the abuse and the constant beating where my everyday activity but gladly i had managed to escape".

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