chapter 6

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As i was in the living room the boys came down running. they looked really serous especially Ace and all of them were wearing bulletproof vests and had guns. i knew better than to ask what they were going to do with those guns. Ace approached me then held my hand and said i was not to be worried since they were only going to take care of some business. i smiled at him and he smiled at me. then king came in the room and looked at Ace's hand then looked at me. he looked pissed then he left where as the boys followed behind him. i know he think there is something between me and Ace but there is nothing since he had once told me he cares for me like a sister particularly because i look like his sister. And i really only see him like a brother and nothing else.

i got up and went to the kitchen to make dinner knowing when they come back they will be hungry. when i was done i eat my portion and as cleaning the dishes i heard a huge thud like the door was broken down and people running in. I panicked and tried to rush to my room so i could lock myself in but i was too late since my hair was grabbed and i was pulled towards the men who had barged in the house. ooh come on why does this keep on happening to me , i looked at them but i could not identify them since they hide their faces under masks . but one of them pulled his mask off and i immediately recognized him. he was one of the guys that tried to rape me that day in the cells. he smirked satisfied that i could recognize him and was terrified."you bitch and you thought we would just forget about you huh! but seriously you hit the jackpot being at king's house ".

"but before we leave lets give you something to remember us by before we had you over to the boss ". and they beat me up, pulled my hair and i think they cracked my ribs . once as they looked satisfied by their work , they carried as they wait for the other who were looking for something else. by that time i dont know what else happened since i had already passed out from the pain.

octavius' pov

As we arrived one of my bases to my shipments of weapons. I was confused since i got a call from one of my men that there were intruders but seemed something was wrong i actually felt it and my instincts have never been wrong. I took my phone and tried to call back at the house hoping Mia would answer but nothing then it all came home that there was a mole among us who diverged my attention from the house to the warehouse so they could invade my house . and all my thoughts came back to Mia . she was all alone and defenseless. Ace sensed something was wrong and he came towards me asked what was wrong , i explained it to him . i told him to get the car ready and we quickly rushed back as we arrived my suspicions had been confirmed since most of my guards were down looked like they were drugged. Me and the boys swiftly got rid of the intruders who were outside and went in to try and rescue Mia.

As i lead the others inside i took in the scene before me as Mia was passed out on the floor with the men who looked as finishing up so as to leave. we took all of them down but i shoot one on the knee so i could use him for info. i told the others to take him away . as i turned to Mia already Ace was carrying her towards his room but i stopped him and told him to take her to my room while  i call the doctor.

After half an hour my doctor arrived and went to attend on Mia. both I and Ace waited outside as the doctor was with Mia. we both were worried but i could not stop the bugging questions in the back of my mind about what was going on between Ace and Mia and so I asked. 'Listen i have been meaning to ask what going on between you and Mia'. He looked at me then said "Mia is like a little sister to me and am actually surprised you did not notice she looks exactly like Allison". part of me was relived that it was only a brother-sister relationship between them. then the doctor came out and told us there is nothing to worry about since they only bruised her ribs and had a head concussion. it was a relief to hear that but what came next shook me to the core . " it seems the girl has been through an abusive ordeal and not only once since she had a lot of old and recent bruises from belts,whips,knifes mostly torture". Ace looked like this was not the first time he heard this . after explaining her medication to us he left. i went towards Ace"you knew about this part of Mia's life''. He scoffed and said "it doesn't take a genius to know this and actually she didn't tell i knew since the day i rescued her".

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