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A tall man Law who was wearing a yellow hoodie with his Jolly Roger printed on it, with bandages still visible up until his neck and his long black jacket just rested on his shoulder, and of course his hat.

Law who was covered in bandage, stopped behind her.

Ren noticed his presence and turned around then she exhale in relieved but tried her best to hide it. "Oh Waterloo-kun, what are you doing here?" but Law just stared at her with his as usual cold gaze. "What are you here?~~ Let's go inside," she faked smiled and almost make her way but seeing Law like that, worries her since he just woke up. "Hey, this bastard! What kind of doctor would let her patient walk around in bandages," Ren acted tough and avoiding his eye contact, she tried. "You're a docto-,"

"Doctor-ya," he called.

Ren stopped and looked at him. "O?"

Law took his long black jacket that was rested on his should and wrapped it around Ren's shoulder whose nose was red, cold smoke coming out of her mouth. He adjusted it, while Ren was freezing, shocked with his sudden attitude. "Is it the after effects?" she asked herself in her own mind.

"You're not used to the climate here, didn't you?" he asked, rhetorically.

Ren laughed, loudly, faked. "What are you doing? What if your crew see you like this," she confirmed that he was suffering an after effect because of his sudden change in attitude.

Law took of his hat from his head and pushed it to Ren's head. "Cry," he said.

Ren's eyes widened and look up, to look at the tall man ahead of her. She was confused. Questions running around her head.

"Nobody will see you cry under this hat," he added. Then suddenly, with his left arm, he surrounded Ren's neck and grab her right should from her back while his upper left arm rested on her left shoulder. "Not even me," he added again.

"What are you doing?" Ren who was wrapped around Law's left arm, couldn't even ask that as she was shocked.

"This is comfort," as if he knows what she's thinking, he stated while securing his hug.

Ren's fist who she had clenched, relaxed. Slowly, her tears that were lingering around her eyes for along time started to run across her cheeks. Her nose was starting to get runny.

As Law noticed that she had already started to cry, he secured his hug tightly.

Ren didn't hug back, instead her hands felt empty, unlike before, it feels heavy filled with blood.

"It was scary," she said to herself in her mind.

Ren stayed in Law's grab for a while, while Law just listened to her cry. He was relieved. At first, he knew Ren would be shocked, its a fictional world where they live, of course Ren from the Real World would never experienced anything like this, at least not a cyborg shooting laser beam around. He was afraid to scare her, he was sorry that he was the one who brought her here but he couldn't even utter an apology, not for what had happened. So at least, he wanted to comfort her, the way she used to.

Ren pulled away and eye contacted Law. She tried to talk, but she was weak. Law smiled and walk away. It was the first smile that he had ever gave to her.


Ren walked to her room, ready to take a shower before going to a quick sleep. She sat down on her bed and took off Law's hat. She touched it slowly and smiled. "What a relief," she exhaled. She placed his hat on the dressing table. Flashes of what had happened, shown in her mind. The smile that was curved a moment ago, faded. "I need to go home," her voice trembled.


The morning arrived and Ren was by the deck, with her eyes closed, kissed by the morning's sun and smooth breeze.

Law who just arrived at the ship's back deck saw Ren. He took a quick glance at her. Then took another quick glance, "What the hell," he thought. Then he took another glance at her, this time longer.

Ren's front hair was washed softly by the breeze, her fair skin under the sun was glowing. Her lips were looking soft and warm.

Law stumbled and fall on the floor. Ren startled and turned to look at him.

"Oh! Waterloo-kun," she called and went to him who was on the floor.

Law grabbed his sword and stood up. "Y-yes?" he tried to adjust his voice in embarrassment.

"Here," Ren hand him his hat. "Good morning!" she smiled broadly.

Law took a step back. "Don't," he mumbled.

"Eh?" Ren confused.

Law then shoved his hat from Ren's hand and walked inside. He closed the door and lean on it as it was closed.

"What's with him?" Ren bitter. "I thought we finally make up," she pouted. "It was an after effects afterall," she sighed.


Law who was resting his head on his desk that was filled with papers. He stood up and went to search for something he just recalled. "Where did I put it?" he searched.

A knock was heard and then the door was opened. "I forgot to give you this," Ren hand him his jacket.

Law walked towards her and grabbed his jacket before sitting back to his desk.

Ren bit her lower lips in nervous. "Are you doing good now? When will I be able to go home?" she asked.

Law replied, "My energy should be stable after my wounds are healed". He added, "Should be by tomorrow,"

Ren was taken aback with his sudden decision, indeed, it was too sudden.

"Doctor-ya, what's wrong?" Law's cold deep voice ran across her ears.

"N-nothing," she responded then turned around to exit the room but stopped when her hand reach the door's knob. "Waterloo-kun," she called.

Law turned his attention towards her.

"Can I stay a bit longer?"

ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Where stories live. Discover now