Haunted! Ren's real feeling

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Her eyes shifted to the crew members who were lose in direction seeing their captain defeated just like that. "Hurry!" signalling that they should carry him to the ship for an emergency operation. "I'm going to save you, I will save you, you are not dying, not because of me," Ren's heart voice spoke inside of her as if Law was hearing her. "The story won't change,"

Ren was losing on catching her breathe, she was panting while running, her back were a couple of the Heart Pirate crew carrying unconscious Law. “Hurry!” she ran faster and they followed.

The sound of monitors, Law’s stable breathe, and Ren’s fast heartbeat.

“Why?” Ren asked herself.

“Doctor, we’re all set,” one of them signalled her.

Ren nodded and took a deep breathe. “Stay with me, Waterloo-kun,” she whispered underneath her mask.

“Done,” as she finished. She leaned back and sat on the floor. It took a long 19 hours of work. She exhaled slowly.

All of the crew who were in the room leaned back. “That scares me,” one of them relieved.

It suddenly feels like a time lapse, they were cleaning and take everything to rest, but only Ren sat still on the floor. She started to hold her lower thighs and clenched her fist. “Not yet,” she said. “This isn't what it is yet,” she mumbled. “Why am I too weak,” she added. The flashes of Law changing his place with her when she was supposed to be shot by the beam still rang in her head. “If I was, just if I—,” but she can't cry. She bit her lower lips and slowly stood up with weak legs. “I am sorry,” before she could even continue Bepo rushed in.

“Captain,” he ran. “What a relief, he’s going to be okay now, right?” he asked Ren.

“Because of me,” Ren turned around and walked out.

“Doctor,” Bepo walked to her. “Here,” he handed her a cheese buns.

“O?” Ren confused.

“You’ve been looking after him for days,” he stated.

“Days?” Ren, again, confused.

“Of course, you didn't notice it,” he replied. “Now, its my turn to worry about him instead,” he pushed her and Ren was, softly, shocked.

It was cold, but she felt nothing. It was scary, but she can't run nor hide behind anywhere. It was shocking, but her heart was too tired to beats faster. It was sad, but she can't cry.

She walked down the ship’s aisle and to the ship’s back deck. With her torn and stained with blood jumpsuits, it doesn't bother her at all.

She held the deck’s fence with both of her hands.

“Stop giving a fuck of what's going on in this world, it’ll change nothing,”

“Did I really, change, nothing?” she monologued. “I kept messing with the story plot,” she added. “Because I don't belong here,” she clinched her teeth. “I want to be strong, stronger, and more stronger,” really hard, she pulled back her tears. “So I!” she shouted. “Can protect someone!”

Her heart started to ache, her legs started to trembling.

“I’ve been a weak woman,” her eyes started to get watery, but her tears won't fall down. “I want to save somebody too,” she held her necklace that was shaped, 2. She breathe heavily, reminiscing why she became a doctor. A name was wandering in her head, she can't even dare to say the name, felt like she didn't even deserve to say the name.

Her legs started to get shaky, “Ah why?” but she can't even feel any pain anymore. She grabbed the deck before she could fall.

She closed her eyes and only the sea’s soothing sound were heard.

“Ren!” a girl voice shouted.

“Run, Ren, run!” a girl voice screamed.

Enormous fire started to surround her.

“I was saved,” Ren said to herself. “I can't save her,” Ren opened her eyes. “This guilty feeling, hurts,” she added.

She doesn't want to be save anymore, she doesn't want this feeling of debt.

The feeling she had today, felt familiar. Feeling of scared. As expected, this is a fictional world that she never could think of. It is more than just fictional here. She saw dark auctions, fights, guns and people who she knew, get hurt, especially because of her.

“Its not scary at all,” she tried to tell herself.

She turned attention to her palms, although she had washed her hands that were covered by Law’s blood, it was still there in her mind. She started to sweat and bit her lower lips.

“Its not scary,” she lied.

Footsteps stopped behind her. And the night wind blew, moment of silence.

Law who was covered in bandage, stopped behind her.

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