Leah- End

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Two years later:

Leah sat at the small table, fiddling with her cup, she watched as more people entered the small cafe.

It had been two years now.

Two years since she had been notified of her daughters death.

Two years since the funeral and the silence.

Taking a sip of her tea, she relaxed in her seat, and sighed.

Things hadn't been so bad.

She had gotten herself a lovely job, a lovely new place to live and even went to therapy.

But the past was hard to forget.

She spotted the boy walking into the cafe.

Waving over to him, he sat down his black hood up hiding most of his face.

"Thanks for meeting me".

He grunted and watched her.

"As you know this is about the diaries I had found. Of.. Violets.. and well uh I wanted to give them to you".

Reaching into her large purse she pulled out a few notebooks.

Putting them on the table she pushed them over to the quiet boy.

"They're very disconcerting. I never really my daughter but this was.." she trailed off in shock.

The boy grabbed one of the notebooks and flipped through them silently.

"You can read everything she was planning. And the plans even if she happened to die. Which I think she planned herself". Leah said stressed and running a hand through her short hair.

The boy didn't say anything, his gaze focused on one particular page.

"Anyways uh.. I have the money. I just need to make sure that Y/N will be safe. It's the least I can do after all of this".

The boy finally spoke.

"Did you ever speak to her these past few years?"

Leah shook her head.

"No. I attempted too once .. I wanted to apologize. But I figured there was no point. She's been too traumatized from all of this".

The boy closed the notebook and looked at Leah.

His eyes were dark, very very dark, as if they were made from coal.

"Good. I'll take care of everything".

Leah could feel the relief sink into her bones.

Perhaps, now poor Y/N could have some peace, it was the last Leah could do. After all, she had viewed the girl almost as her daughter.

Leah smiles to herself.

She couldn't wait to go home and see her boyfriend.

To see her new happiness, her new life that had been given to her.

"However. You know too much".

Looking up, she didn't realize that the boy had moved very fast, it all happened so quickly.

Looking down, she saw the knife, and she sunk down in the chair in disbelief.

"Goodbye Leah McArthur".

With that, the boy disappeared, along with the notebooks.

While Leah dropped her head on table.

Blacking out and bleeding out as someone finally noticed.

A scream burst from the server who noticed the blood.

All Leah could think before she slipped away was, "I should have never met River".

As people began to crowd around, the hooded boy hopped into a white car, with a smile he slid into the backseat.

"Did you get them?"


"Good. Let's begin the search".

The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant