Aiden POV

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After it was all over, Kira ordered me to fetch some bandages.

I had set Damon's head next to the the cage.

He was watching Y/N.

I laughed, this was the most fun I've had in ages.

Y/N was curled up in a ball. Her eyes were bruised, her clothes were torn, cuts and marks all over her skin.

I opened the cage and went to her.

Glancing down I noticed the broken toes.

Oh yeah, that had been Violet.

Little evil sadist she was.

Y/N had stopped screaming and crying a while ago.

She was quiet now. Her eyes were open, staring at Damon's head.

She probably couldn't see anyways. Her eyes were too bruised.

I whistled a tune as I wrapped bandages around her most messed up areas.

Then took a towel and gently wiped her back.

Kira had whipped her pretty bad.

She didn't even react to anything now.

Was she already broken?

I frowned now, and finished up.

Backing out of the cage, I lock the door and walk to the other room.

Kira and Violet were talking to each other in hushed tones.

Honestly these two were something else.

When I had been asked to join this little group, I didn't even know who Y/N was.

But when I met her, oh boy, it was like a bomb went off.

She was just so scared. It was so cute.

I found myself watching her all the time.

I wouldn't know if I love her. But I certainly wanted her to be mine.

Though that would be a bit hard.

Kira and Violet were both pretty uptight about certain things, and they killed anyone who tried to run or annoyed them.

I sat on the couch and glance at the dark spots on it.

Blood stains were everywhere in this house.

Violet walked to me and grabbed my hand.

Her eyes looked excited and rushed.

"Come on. We're going to my bedroom, today has gotten me way too happy". She says her cute face looking almost manic.

I smirk and stand up.

Well, at least I got to have sex.

We both go up the stairs, Violet almost rushing like she was The Flash.

I start laughing, what a surprise to find out she was a horny little minx.

Poor Y/N, poor poor thing, but who cared?

We all were getting what we wanted now.

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