Chapter 12

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You just stare at the box, now open and on full display.

Trembling, you slowly pick it up and stare at the finger.

It was definitely your moms.

Your mom had shown off this ring to you last week.

Did this mean your mom was dead?

You didn't know what to do.

Calling the police was out.

Maybe you should call Kira?

No, no very bad idea, you had a sinking feeling this was his doing.

You felt like throwing up.

Even if your Mom had been cruel to you, she was still your Mother.

You set the box down on the couch.

Then run upstairs, swallowing the vomit threatening to come up.

You hastily finish packing and check your Facebook.

"Izzy. Are you in trouble?"

It was from Damon.

"Yes, I need to run. Is your Uncles house still vacant?"

You write back as fast as you can and then go to the back of your closet.

There was a box that held your cards and important memories.

But it also contained money, you used to save any money you got, or any small jobs you could get in the past.

You had about 400 bucks, it wasn't that much, but you couldn't be fussy.

Stashing the money in your pocket, you pull on your jacket.

Looking back at your phone, you see Damon had written you back.

"Yeah it is. Meet me at the park in an hour. Clover Park near your house. Bring your stuff".

You grab the your charger and phone and grab your bag.

Downstairs, you stare at the box.

"Mom, I'm sorry. If they killed you or hurt you, it's all on me. But you always told me to at least try to survive. So I'm going to do that, I'm going to try".

You say this slowly and then walk out of the house.

Not even bothering to lock the door.

When you arrive at the park, you pull your hold up and wait.

After awhile, you see a tall figure approach you.

It was Damon.

He had grown tall over the years. But still had the same good looking face just more matured now.

His purple hair standing out and his gentle eyes.

You choke out a smile and him and he nods at you.

"Good to see you Iz. It's been a long time". He said looking at you carefully.

His voice much deeper now.

"Nice to see you too Har. Thank you for helping me".

He smiles and hands you a small bag.

"I told you I'd always help you. You know, after I got out of that mental institution, you were the only one who ever bothered to try to check up on me". He laughs dryly.

"Don't worry. I'm cured now, I guess. I don't think about Violet. And if I do it's out of hatred". He assures you as you look at him.

He nods towards the paper bag he had given you.

"Keys to the house. I called you a taxi. There's some money in there too. My dad died a while back, left me a shit load. Use that for the taxi and anything you might need in the future". He says as you peer inside.

Damn, that must've been at least 2,000 bucks.

You look up at him, feeling exhausted and grateful.

"You have no idea how much this means to me. I don't know how I'll repay you but I will someday". You croak out.

He leans over and gives you a hug.

"Don't worry about that. Just go. Go and don't look back". He says quietly as a large taxi pulls over to the parks entrance.

An impatient older man peering out the window towards you.

You smile at Damon and get in the back of the car.

He waves as the car drives off.

"You alright Miss?" The taxi driver asks looking at you from the rear view mirror suspiciously.

You nod, pulling down your hood, and laying your head to the cool window.

You felt the tears coming but held them back.

Survive, you needed to just survive, that was all that was most important.

While you were running, Kira was standing in his basement. A pissed look on his face.

"They're here". Said Arlo as a group of people came down the stairs.

Kira looked at everyone carefully.

"She's headed off. Guess that package didn't work. Go get Damon, bring him here. I'll deal with him later". He said to two twin boys who looked annoyed.

They shrugged and left with a huff.

He turned back to the others and looked at a certain pink haired girl.

"You said you knew what to do".

She smirked and tossed her hair a bit.

"Yeah I do. Y/N isn't the smartest, all you need to do is scare her, make her feel like she's cornered. Then we can all deal with her".

A silver haired man was watching Kira curiously and spoke up.

"Why not send out Caleb? She doesn't really know him".

Kira thinks for a moment.

"She will still recognize him, but if he's in a disguise it should be fine. Go call Caleb, tell him to send the drone out".

A nod and the room was getting emptier.

Arlo was watching everyone was fascination.

"Hey Kira. Are you sure this is how you want things to play out?"

Kira smiles at his brother.

"Yeah. She will be begging soon enough. Just like it's all going to plan. Even a tiny hiccup won't disturb us".

And with that a tentative hush came over.

See, everyone else who was left in the room had once delicious thought, the thought of absolutely destroying you.

If only You knew what was coming within the next few days. Even Hell wouldn't compare.

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